Chapter Twenty-Five

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(A/N; Hello again you awesome readers! xD ExoChanchan98 over here 😄 We are back with a new chapter. It's quite short but dont worry, we'll try to make longer ones in the future 😁 Anyway, just wanted to tell you guys that my birthday was 2 days ago and eventhough I was sick the day before and exactly on my birthday, I still had a good time cuz I got to eat my fav pizza xD Sooo say happy birthday to me! 😂😂 hahaha. Okay ignore that LOL. Also, my final exam result for semester 1 will be coming out today so... wish me luck! >~< hopefully I'll pass 😆 Okay well, thats all from me. This chapter is written by Charlotte so... have fun!)

Jimin POV

I promised her, I did, and I had every intention in the world to keep it, but now? I’m not so sure.

She was holding her tears so hard when I volunteered to be the bait, and I’m not sure if she hated me for keep volunteering myself for stuff like this but I can’t help it.

You’d do it when you find someone worth dying for.

She may be wondering why we’re still not there, and she might have cussed the others for letting us go… it might be the last time we meet and I’m starting to regret that I didn’t tell her everything.

I shook my head hastily. What am I thinking? Of course I should be back in one piece, or else she’d haunt me for life. I supressed my chuckle and looked at the guys in front of us.
When we came out, there were nine of them, each one was armed with guns. We were outnumbered, but since we’re outside in the open, it was not really safe to use guns since the sound will echo and attract the dead. So we took them by hands. We’ve got four of them; Suho and I each took one and Kris had his hands full with two of them, one was killed when Kris snapped his neck around. The one Suho took care of had fired once and all of us stood in silence, looking around in alarm.

Then things turned like it was now.

The leader of the group outside still held his smirk from before. He thought that the zombies were too far away to hear the gunshot and have ordered his dogs to aim their guns at us, thus we’ve got four guns on our noses.

“Still think you can escape, huh, kids?” The guy said, his voice laced thickly with accent.

“Let us go, and you’ll live.” Suho said. I cringed at his calmness.

The guy laughed, and I cringed twice. His voice was so darn loud, it could wake Michael up from the dead. But Thriller was lit, does anyone else agree with me? No? Okay.

Well it seemed like the guy was very adamant that they were safe from those flesh eaters, stupid fuckers, WE’LL ALL DIE IF WE DON’T GO NOW!

“The dead has probably heard that gunshot, so it’s better if we go on our way, NOW.” Suho continued, there was a hint of urgency in his voice now. But the lanky dark haired dude just laughed again.


I felt Kris shuffled beside me and I glanced at him just to see he already had his gaze on me. He darted his eyes to the front again, a bit to the left and I followed. A group of flesh eater was slowly making their way towards us from between the buildings. They must’ve heard the sound, and I thought this was just the start, the other would come too. The group of zombies I saw in a distance itself will be a lot to handle and I’m worrying about me and my friends’ life. But they weren’t running like mad old lady to us though, so I took it as a good sign, it meant they were just following the sound. But it didn’t mean they won’t see us sooner or later and to think that these guys will not hesitate to use the gun again…

Just. Fucking. Great.

I grew anxious and looked back forward, clenching my teeth hard. Suho was in front of Kris and I, whilst the guys were opposite of us, pointing their guns at us. They were oblivious of the danger that was coming fast as they had their backs on it.

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