Chapter Thirty

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(A/N; I'm sad to say that ZA is ending soon guys 😭 Maybe another 3 chapters and then we'll have the epilogue. Thank you to all who continuously read this book. We wouldn't be able to come this far without you guys so thank you once again! >< Anyway, this chapter will be written by me, Bts_JiminsWaifu. Hope you like it 😀)

Taehyung's Pov

I went to take a fresh air mainly because I wanted to get that scene out of my head. I cannot believe Chanyeol kissed Naeun knowing she and Jimin have a thing going on. Man... zombie apocalypse can really drive people crazy.

"You think you're so cool, don't you? Well you're wrong about that!"

"You don't know shit about me, asshole!"

I heard shoutings coming from up front so I went to take a look and caught 2 guys throwing a fit at each other. Both have a gun by their side. I have a bad feeling about this.

They pull out their guns and point them at each other. Now this is going too far.

"You should die like your mother did."

"What did you say? You goddamn son of a bitch!" The older guy said almost pulling the trigger when Kris step in, "Okay, break it up you two!" He push at their chests to keep some distance between them. Obviously they weren't pleased with his interferrence. "Who the hell are you?" The younger man ask still not putting his gun away. Kris sigh trying to talk some sense into them. Something tells me this isn't going to end well. "You better mind your own goddamn business kid or someone's gonna get hurt." That threat doesnt seem like it scares Kris at all, "From the way I see, someone's gonna get hurt whether I intervene or not."

After saying that, Kris tries to calm them down and sway them with words but when the younger man snap at the older man, things start to get worse.

"I'm gonna kill you!!" The older man push Kris out of the way and jump onto the younger man while giving him punches. They both throw punches at each other not planning to give in until Kris tried to break them up for the second time but this time things got out of hand. The younger man gives a few hard punches to the older man and when the older man is exhausted and in pain because of the punches, the younger man take this chance to point the gun at him almost pulling the trigger when Kris push himself onto him stopping him from doing so, "Stop!!" Kris tries very hard to take the gun away from the younger man's grasp.

The others just watch, they don't even have the will to help. I shake my head out of disappointment diving in to help Kris but just when I tried to intervene, I felt like my whole world had stopped. The younger man had pulled the trigger. And Kris was the victim.

Chanyeol's Pov

We heard a bang coming from outside so we immediately got up of our feet and hurried outside to check on what was going on. When Naeun and I arrived at the scene, it felt like a few daggers had pierced our hearts.

Taehyung was holding onto Kris' lifeless body. There's a gunshot wound on Kris' upper left chest next to his heart and this aint looking so good. No, this dont look good at all.

Taehyung's eyes wet from the tears he had shred. He looks up at me still sobbing, "H-hyung... Kris he... he's... h-he's.... dead." He choke out the last word crying even harder. Then Naeun who was standing right beside me dropped to her knees, tears falling out of her eyes. I felt anger boiling inside of me as I look at them. My eyes search for the person responsible for this and the person I saw was a young man shivering in fear. He held a gun in his hand. By the look of his face, it was clearly an accident but an "accident" could not stop me from my rage.

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