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Eunji's POV

The sky was a bright blue, clouds rolling by without a care- without knowing the guilt and sadness that were slowly gnawing in the pit of my heart, making my stomach clench in uneasiness.

My friends are gone, and I am alone. Those words never failed to push me further into the cliff of desperation, and staring at the hollowness, I was sure I was going to lose it sooner or later. It's just a matter of time.

A loud yell of order from our group leader pulled me back from the reverie, and I quickly grabbed the small backpack lying on my feet and hoisted it onto my shoulder. I walked toward the vehicles lined up behind a pair of huge metal gates, looking around in the base camp for one last time.

The word alone was subjective, at least to me. I was not really alone in a sense of surviving this apocalyptic world by myself. My friends and I came to America a couple years ago to escape the calamity that had affected our hometowns, and the entire country specifically. We had hopes, and as I know every one of us knew that death were cornering us, we were still fighting for what's worth: our lives. We did not put any further thought on it, though, we have fought for us, sometimes putting our lives in danger in order to save someone else's. We did it without much thought, because we were a group.

And suddenly everyone was gone, Luhan died before my eyes, and Kai sacrificed his life for me. The sound of gunshots still rang in my head late at nights, and like always, a part of me died too.

The leader have started sorting the group into the two main vehicles: big school buses with metal bars covering up the side windows and front windshields, armed with rifles and guns. The 4WD parked at the very front was not lacking in any safety too, and I know where I was supposed to be.

"You're travelling with me, Eunji," Dean, the leader said. His blue eyes glinting in mischief as he stared down at me. "Nu'uh, ain't no escaping me this time, love." The small Australian twang was so distinctive that I perked up when I heard him talk.

Dang, there goes my plan.

I gave a dramatic sigh and turned to meet his baby blues, "Come on, I want to sit with Ari and the others." I pointed to the nearest bus, the one I planned to quietly hop on, but of course, it failed.

He shook his head. "No can do, you're sitting next to me while I drive. Also, it's packed in there." He shouted more orders telling them to step it up before pulling me with him.

We got ready in our own respective seats, while waiting for Nick and Jonah to come back. Moments later, we saw two figures running toward the car and got inside, slamming the door shut just as the gates opened to the wide empty street before the campsite.

"Here goes nothing." Dean muttered beside me.

We're finally leaving.

I stared up ahead as we drove down the streets, familiar buildings passed by as the wrenching guilt arose. I saw an entry to a subway station and I choked back on a sob. The gunshots rang in my ears as tears welled up in my closed eyes.

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