Chapter Nineteen

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Jimin's POV

During the reunion with Suho and the guys, we learnt that Kris's wife and son died in a terrible event. Both were sacrificed in vein, and not a single soul could save them.

Along the way, Kris hand't spoken a word or made any eye contact with neither of us. We figured it would be best to leave him be so he can cool down and clear his mind. Losing your loved one is a nightmare and not something you can easily push through.

"Hey guys, look!" -Taehyung

"What is it?" -Suho

"It's an abandoned prison." -Taehyung

"Oh great. So now we're in The Walking Dead?" -Chanyeol

"More like the walking nightmares" -Naeun

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go check it out" -Sehun

"Wait! We're not certain if the place is safe" -Me

"We never know if we don't see for ourselves" -Taehyung

"I agree with Jimin. It's too risky. Plus, not all of us have our weapons" -Naeun

Naeun glared at the two foreigners who were taken aback by the way she looked at them. They immediately hid behind Kris who gave no reaction at all.

"So what do you suggest us to do?" -Jungkook

". . . Let's split up. This place is big. They could be anywhere. Chanyeol, Eunji, Luhan and Kai, you guys take East." -Me

"Wait, which way is East?" -Chanyeol

"Follow the wind" -Me

"Great. That ought to solve our problem now, does it?" Chanyeol rolled his eyes and accidentally landed them on Eunji. They shot stares at each other for merely 5 seconds before she pulled away, flustered shown in her face but Chanyeol showed nothing. I sure hope they get along soon.

"Jungkook, Chorong, Taehyung and Sehun, you guys take the back entrance" -Me

"How do you know there's a back entrance?" -Taehyung

"It's a prison. They always have a back entrance." -Me

"Ohhh...." -Taehyung

"Jude, Luis and Kris, you 3 stay here and stand guard. Watch for any sudden movements." -Me

"Got it." -Jude

"Easy peasy." -Luis

"Naeun, Suho and I will take the front entrance." -Me

"Wait, why do I get to go with you?" -Naeun

"Is there a problem?" -Suho

"Yeah, there is. Why can't I go with Chorong's group?" -Naeun

"That group is full. Besides, I need you here to guard me. Can't you at least do that?" -Me

Her cheeks turned red in a split second. I hate to admit it, but I kinda hid my red face just then too.

"F-fine. If you insist. But let me warn you! If you get eaten by those zombies, I won't take the blame!" Her expression showed how flustered she was. I know she does not mean what she said. This girl is just too proud to admit it. Tsk.

"Alright you lovebirds. Can we get a move on?" -Suho

"We are not lovebirds!" -Naeun

"I'm leaving you both behind." I was a few meters away from them before I made them realize that.

= = =

Chanyeol's POV

Just like what Jimin told us to do, we went East which was further away from the prison but was still in sight. Like what Jimin predicted, there were several zombies lingering around here. Criminal zombies.

The only thing was, they can't get to us because we were separated from them by large fences. But like in the comics and movies, they have a really sharp nose.

Bunch of them start hitting the fence to get through. Poor things. Hell, did I just said that? I sound gay dude.

"Should we kill them?" -Kai

"And attract more? I don't think so." -Me

"It wouldn't be attracting if we make less sound." -Eunji

"Aren't you the smart bitch now?" -Me

"That's it! I had it with you!" Luhan threw his gun onto the floor (Suho gave him one apparently) and charged towards me.

He grabbed me by the collar and almost punch me in the face when Kai interfered.

"Stop it you two! Let's not fight for frog's sake!" -Kai

"Tell it to the dude who tried to beat me up." I glared at Luhan who was still grabbing my collar. "I kinda wish you were the one who died instead of Lay." He said.

Truth be told. What he said literally snap me out of my trance. I thought of the same but hearing someone say it straight to my face is stupidly painful.

"If you're not gonna quit harrassing her, then I will kill you myself." -Luhan

He freed me from his grip and walked back towards Eunji who had a mixed expression on her face.

"Chanyeol, try and control your anger for once. We are all gonna die if you don't do that." -Kai

I stayed silence for moment. They did too. Maybe I am over reacting a little. To be honest, I doubted that Eunji was the one who killed Lay. But something in me just doesn't want to intirely accept that fact.

"Fine. Let's just wait for the guys." I lean onto the prison wall and sait down against it. They did the same except for Eunji. She was staring at the ground, lost in thoughts. I rolled my eyes a few times before scratching my head and calling out for her.

"Hey..." -Me

She looked my way in disinterest. Sometimes I just hate that stupid look on her face. But there's just no way in hell would I admit that.

"You can sit here if you want." I nudge my head to my left side, waiting for her to respond.

She didn't move for a minute when I invited her to sit next to me. But eventually she did. Her heavy steps that she took echoed in my ears.

We were silence the whole time. Even if I want to say something to her, I can't. Not with those two staring with wide eyes. Super creepy.

So in the end, we just sat there, not talking. It's more peaceful and quiet this way.

Hey guys!
ExoChanchan98 here :D
Sorry for the VERYYYYYY short chapter.

It's because I'm having my SPM here so I have no time to write a longer chanpter. I have to study!!

But anyway, maybe next chapter will be a lot longer so anticipate for it okay! :DD

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