Chapter Twenty-Two

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(A/N; Hey guys! This will be the first chapter written by CharlottesCookie! I hope you guys like it! :D)

Chorong's POV

It felt like I only closed my eyes for a few minutes before I opened them, decided that I couldn't sleep anymore. Amidst the death silence that engulfed us, I kept hearing stuff like something dropped or something moved somewhere inside the building, and it had kept me awake. So I shifted on my back and stared at the dirty ceiling. The old battered mattress under me was very thin that I literally felt the cold ground under me. So this was what sleeping in the prison feels like.

I turned to my side and saw the others were fast asleep. When we decided to stay for the night, we cleaned the cells and the guys did all the dirty jobs like killing the imprisoned zombies in it. How did they even get bitten in there? Beats me, I don't even know. It only proved that nowhere was safe anymore. We pulled thin mattresses from each cells and gathered them into two cells, one for the guys and another for us, girls. We chose the cell that was less dirty and closer to the door because who knows if we might need to bolt out later. Better safe than sorry.

I heard something hit the cell bars and my head automatically snapped to the 'wall' that was separating us and the guys. Kai was flailing his arms in his sleep and one of his hand hit the bar again, sending a loud clang echoing across the room. I cringed, expecting everyone to wake up but no one did. Perhaps they were all too tired. I kept my eyes on him as he hissed and mumbled something before continuing snoring softly. He must be murdering zombies even in his sleep. Cute.

I sighed harshly as I sat up. The hard ground was really killing my back. "Why are you still awake?" I jumped on my seat and placed a hand on my chest as I tried to steady my breathing. Jungkook was sitting outside of the prison, next to the main door to be precise. "God you scared me!" I whisper-shouted at him. He simply grinned and I stood up, making my way towards him.

I sat on the cold floor next to him and stared at the sleeping forms of our friends. "Why are you up?" I asked, Jungkook only kept his gaze ahead.

"Someone needs to keep watching." He answered nonchalantly. "You?"

"I can't sleep." It was chilly so I brought my knees up and hugged them, hoping to bring them some warmth.

"What do you think happens to Chanyeol and Eunji?"

Jungkook seemed to be thinking for a while before he shook his head. "I don't know, but I sure hope that they are okay." He looked at me. "Don't worry, we'll search for them tomorrow."

"Me too."

"Well why don't you try to get some sleep?" He said. I brought my eyes to him and saw that he was smiling. Butterflies erupted in my tummy and I can only hope that he didn't hear my loud heartbeats.

"You'll be needing them tomorrow. I promise I'll keep you safe."

Oh god I better go away or I'll die of lacking breath.

"O-okay." Did I just stutter? Great, now he'll get ideas about me. I mentally face palmed myself.

Before I can embarrass myself any more, I speed walked to the cell and laid back on my mattress, knowing that sleep was the last thing I'd get tonight.

Eunji's POV

I groaned as the side of my head throbbed. I feel like puking but there wasn't anything inside my tummy, which made everything worse. I peeled my eyes open and was blinded by the sudden light. I squeezed my eyes off before opening them again, slowly this time.

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