Chapter Fifteen

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Luhan's POV

We stopped running when we came across a gas station. Thank the heavens there's a place we can hide in. We drop dead on the floor as soon as we entered. I,however, still couldn't get the image out of my head. What the hell happened to Lay? As far as I know, Eunji could be hard at times but she wouldn't do such a thing unless he was a threat. But I know Lay is harmless so that couldn't be it either. What....happened?

"Now speak. Why did you kill Lay?" -Chanyeol

Chanyeol grabbed our attention. What is he going to do now? He nearly chocked her to death back there.

"I don't know" -Eunji

"The fuck you don't know! You were the only one in the car with him! And it was your arrow!" -Chanyeol

"But I didn't kill him!" -Eunji

"Stop lying you bitch!" -Chanyeol

"Hey dude! If she say she didn't kill him, then she didn't" -Me

I didn't know what got into me but I just stepped in. I couldn't bare watching him accusing her to something we have no proof on.

"So now you're taking her side? What happened to 'Oh my friend is dead so now I'm lifeless'?" -Chanyeol

Hearing him say that, I gave him a strong and hard punch on his face. He fell flat on the floor after that punch.

"Don't you ever mock him again" -Me

I walked away after saying that. I felt the rage in me when I look at his face. If I didn't move away from there, I could have killed him. Now that would be ugly.

Naeun's POV

"You've gone too far" -Jimin

"Like you won't when your best friend is killed" -Chanyeol

Chanyeol got up on his feet and glared at Eunji before walking off. As much as I wanted to defend her, I can't because I too am confuse on what is going on. Did she really killed him? Or did he kill himself? But why would he do that? He was perfectly fine.

"Hey, are you okay?" -Kai

Kai stood next to Eunji making sure that she was alright. As expected, she didn't say a word instead she stared at him. But something caught him and us off guard. She had tears in her eyes. It was really surprising considering that she was always  tough and thick headed.

"H-hey" -Kai

"Just leave me alone" she said after wiping her tears and walked away. Wow, I did not see that one coming.

"So what now?" -Chorong

"We camp here for the night. Atleast there are food here we can eat. Jungkook,Kai, and I will head out tomorrow morning to find us something we can ride on" -Jimin

"And what about Luhan,Chanyeol and Eunji?" -Me

"Just let them be. They need some space for now" -Jimin

"Alright" -Me

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Luhan's POV

Night had fallen before we knew it. I was leaning against the wall thinking about D.O when suddenly Eunji stood before me. We didn't say a word instead we just stared at each other. That was until she decided to make the first move. She sat beside me and hugged her knees. Maybe what Chanyeol did was too much for her.

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