Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(A/N; This new chapter will be written by Charlotte xD Hope you guys like it 😄😄)

Suho’s POV

I glared at Jimin’s back as we arrived at the hut. We’ve been searching for Kris the entire morning, and now it’s just after midday and he was back to chatting with her animatedly.

To be honest, I hated two timing jerks. Even though you say you’re just friends but if I find you joking around with some girls other than your girlfriend, I’ll be happy to help you set the priorities for you. Guys should have more sense. The only thing stopping me now was Naeun. She won’t be pleased of Jimin come back with a busted lip and broken nose.

Or that maybe I was just jealous?

I sighed in annoyance as I raked a hand through my hair. I’m not sure how people could fall in love during this situation either. But ARGH, I’m not one to talk.

I continued my way to an empty chair in the middle of the living room as Jimin followed Seulgi into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes. Just a friend, my ass.

My mind switched back to the scream we heard a few moments back. I insisted that we went after it, but Seulgi said it’s better that we don’t. Apparently she have heard a lot of screams that belonged to people who were eaten by the zombies. Her face changed after she said that, and while I was dumbfounded, Jimin seemed to understand and sided with her.

I grunted. What did Naeun see in him?

Suho, promise me you’ll come back safely. Promise me that you’ll bring him back safely.

I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting the headache that was starting to form and trying so hard to numb the sting I felt inside.

“Suho…” I snapped my eyes open just to see Jimin standing there with Seulgi beside him.

“What.” I answered. Oh wait, that came out harsher than I intended seeing that she flinched a bit on my tone, but whatever.

Jimin glanced to her and switched back his eyes to me. His jaw clenched, he’s annoyed. Good.

“We have to gather food. The food in her cupboard will barely reach next month.”

I switched my gaze to the girl who was fumbling with the hem of her shirt nervously. I’m glad I have that effect on people, I’m not exactly nice when I lost my cool, and right now I’m pissed. Thanks to a particular guy.

“Well um- the last time I went out for food was two months ago, and since you guys are here now… um-“

I turned back to Jimin. “Wait, you’re not planning to stay here, aren’t you?”

“What, no… I just…”

“Great, cause Naeun expects me to bring you back safely.” I emphasized on her name and stood up, wanting to get out of the house as soon as I can. I walked to the door and when I sensed no one following me, I turned on my heels.

“I thought you want to get some food?”

*  *  *

“That’s not nice.”

I glanced to my side. Jimin was walking next to me but kept a reasonable distance. I turned my eyes back in front. Seulgi was leading the way as she was a few steps ahead. She told us that there were some grocery shops in the town. She always get her food there.

I knew what he was talking about but I decided to play dumb. “What is?”

Jimin sighed in irritation. “What you said earlier, Suho. She’s just alone.”

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