Chapter Twenty-One

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(A/N; Omg! It's been such a long time! >~< How is everyone??? We are extremely sorry for the late update. Both Eunji and I were busy with our own thing so we didn't have the time to update the next chapter for ZA. But don't worry because we're finally able to update! xD And we also have a new author who will be cooperating with us on this book. I thank CharlottesCookie for agreeing to help us on this project :D I love you! 😙

Taehyung's Pov

It's been 4 hours and Chanyeol and Eunji are not back yet. I mean, surely they couldn't have just vanished. They probably took the wrong turn while fighting those zombies? I don't know since I wasn't there with them at the time.

"Taehyung, can I have a minute?" -Naeun

Naeun's head peep into the cell that I was resting in. Well at least the cells have beds or we would have to sleep on the ground.

"Sure. What is it?" -Me

"Walk with me for a bit." -Naeun

She is acting kinda strange for some reason. I wonder what she wants to talk about. I follow her to wherever she is leading me to. Luckily we managed to kill every walkers in here so we're safe to roam around the place.

She bring me further away from the group and stop in front of the officer's office. I stare at her back, waiting for her to speak up.

She turn around so quick that it looked like her head was going to spin off. LOL.

"It's about Chorong." -Naeun

"What about her?" -Me

"You were right" -Naeun

"About what?" -Me

"About her keeping secrets from us." -Naeun

"What?" -Me

"I heard her talking to someone on the walkie talkie. I have no idea where she got that walkie talkie or even managed to find one. But I heard her conversation." -Naeun

I forcefully push down the saliva into my throat, preparing for what she is about to say.

"She was talking in English," -Naeun

"English?" -Me

"Yeah, with a guy. She said something like... she did her part and managed to find people to join their group. Aside from that, I have no idea what they were saying. Damn it, if only I payed attention in English class!" -Naeun

Wait... did her part? What was her part? And who are these people she was referring to? It couldn't be us, could it?

I'm getting more nervous.

"Naeun..." -Me

"Huh?" -Naeun

"Let's not tell the others about this just yet. We don't want to start another conflict," -Me

"So we're just gonna pretend that we don't know anything?" -Naeun

"Trust me on this. We don't want another trust issue going on here." -Me

".......Errr fine. Whatever." -Naeun

She roll her eyes and throw her hands up in the air before lazily walking back to the others.

Something is definitely going on with Chorong. I need to find out what it is. But before that, I need to keep my guard up.

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