Chapter Five

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Eunji's POV

I'm so irritated with the big eared guy and his friends because they are very talkative. I thought Kai is the most annoying person I met but i'm completely wrong. And that Jungkook boy kept on staring at that girl he saved back at the locker room. I also aaw how his girlfriend Suzy is throwing deadly glares to her boyfriend.

I hold my Archery tightly while tailing behind my new companions then fight this Ugly creatures by myself.

"Come on! Don't be a turtle D.O we need to hurry or else we gonna die here like the others!" I looked around i heard a boy shouting from behind. And when i look at the corner i saw two boys running fast. I'm planning just to ignore them and look in frint and saw that the others are already at the gate and i was left behind. I run through the gate until i heard a loud cursed.

"Shit!!" I look back and saw that the two boys are already chased by those zombies. I thought for a second if i should help them or  not. I just prepare my archery and run towarda the two boys.

I shoot the zombie's head who is almost reach the one boy.

"Thank you." The big eyed guy said the moment they came near me.

"Tsk, it's nothing. Let's go!" i said and starting to run through the gate.

Luhan's POV

I looked at the girl who is now in front of us leading the way to wherever-she-knows. She has an archery holding and a full of arrows bag that hang on her back.

"I thought it's our end already." I turned my attention to D.O who just spoke.

"Yeah! We almost got eaten by those zombies." I said. When we stepped out of the room back then, many zombies came near us and the people got eaten because instead of fighting they just run or cried. Me and D.O are the only ones who made to go out here. I even remember how those Zombies eat the flesh of the teachers.

"Hey! Can you please hurry up?" The girl shouted. She has an attitude!

We are now outside the gate still following the girl who is shooting arrows to the Zombies who is blocking her way.

"Where are we going?" I asked panting already because of running.

"To the factory!" she simply said. What a girl.

"Oh! Fuck!" Me and D.O looked at each other, when we heard the girl cursed and stopped running. We saw her looking in front. We follow her gaze and The Hell!! Many zombies are wondering around and now looking for us!!

"Run!! Go.Go.Go.Go!!" The girl sajd and we run as fast as we can. The girl are shooting arrows while D.O and I are hitting the zombies head using the crowbar that we spotted on our way.

"D.O!" I shouted when I saw that he is already left behind. I saw the girl also look at us when she heard me shout.

I widen my eyes when i saw a zombie who is now nearing D.O

"Come on, man! Hurry up!" I shouted and looking behind him. I saw a lot of zombies now tailing him.

"Just run-Ahhh---" He didn't finished his words when one of those zombie already reach him and bite him on the shoulder. A blood coming out of his shoulder is now splattering. He layed on the floor holding his shoulder.

"D.O!!" I ran to him. The girl shoot the head of the zombie who bite D.O. Once i reach him, i quickly place my hand on the back of his head. Tears are already forming in my eyes.

"Oh! Please man! You need to fight! Your not going to leave me too!" I said alreadt crying. The girl is shooting every zombies thats attempting ro come near us. She us standing beside me.

"Hey! your so gay! your crying!" she said teasing me, but the pain is written all over his face. "Just leave me here" I was shocked when I heard those words. No way in hell that i'm going to leave him!

"W...what?" I thought that i just heard wrong.

"Leave me here. you go with her" He said and looked at the girl.

"No way!" i shouted.

"you need to Luhan! I'm just going to be one of those creatures!" He shouted too. Then it hit me. Yes. That's right. He was bitten and he will be one of those things.


Eunji's POV

I'm busy killing those zombies while the two boys are still doing their little drama. Once i heard the boy with big eye- who i heaed was called D.O- said that just leave him behind i realize that if we are going to leave him, no use at all, cuz he will become one of those things.

"Just leave him!" The moment i said that the man that looks like a girl looked at me in disbelief.

"What? your going to save him? It's no use! He's bitten already and once he died he will come back like those zombies!!" I exclaimed pushing the whole situaition on the man.

"Just go Luhan. You want to see your parents again don't you? Go and save yourself." D.O said. And soon-after we saw him clenching his shoulder really tight and we saw how painful he is going through right now. I saw that Luhan guy cried even more and held his friend's hand.

"Let's go now! Those ugly creature are now increasing and i cannot handle all of them!" i said and hold Luhan's hand to stand him up. Before we run, we look at D.O once more who just replied with a weak smile and a nod, signaling us to go now. We quickly head our way to the factory.

We make one last look while running and saw how those zombies ate D.O's flesh.

"ARRGHH!!" That's the last thing we heard before we run fast and head ti the factory. I look at the man beside me and saw the mix emotions in his eyes. Sadness, because he just lost his buddy. Anger, for those zombies which is the reason why he lost his friend. And lastly Determination, to survived from this ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE.


Sorry guys!! For killing D.O!! Cuz i really need to do that!! so don't hate me okay??

To my friend DinaJung don't hate me if i need to kill your precuous Do Kyungsoo!!

thank you for those who keep on reading; commenting and specially voting!! WE really appreciate it guys!!


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