Chapter Twenty-Six

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(A/N; Here is the new chapter from eunjiofapink! xD If you havent realized it yet, I changed my name from ExoChanchan98 to Bts_Jiminswaifu 😂😂 Dont hate meee~I'm just so in love with him 😍😍 Anyway, I got good news everyone! I pass my final exam for semester 1! Yippeee! 😄😄 I'm so happy I could die 😂😂 hahahaha okay jk LOL. Well then, enjoy this chapter xD)

Eunji's POV

" Where's Jimin and Suho? " I heard Naeun asked the moment Kris entered the gate. Jungkook and Kai help him because he can't barely walk. He looks beaten.

" We.. got separated when are being chase by those zombies. " Kris answered and look at all of us. Eunwoo walk to the gate and about to close it when  Naeun shouted.


" Are you nuts? If we leave that door open do you think Jimin and Suho will be able to see us alive? " I said. She looked at me angrily.

" Then what? Are we going to leave them? " She asked madly, and i saw tears starting to form in her eyes. I can't help but to roll my eyes. I really don't like people who easily cried.

" Eunji's right. Don't worry Naeun i know they will make it. " Luhan comforted her.

" What if something will happen to them? " She cried hard and even sit to the floor. She really looks devastated. And as long as i don't want to feel this, but i pity her right now.

" You dont need to worry. Even if we close the gate we have someone to be a lookout if ever your company will make it here. " Eunwoo said. He was about to Close the door when i stop him.

" Wait. " I said and i grab my Archery and make my way at the door.

" What are you doing? " Jungkook asked. I looked at them and they are all eyeing me.

" Im going outside, im gonna find them " I said and glance at Naeun who already stand up from sitting on the floor.

" Alone? Are you nuts? " I look unbelievably at Chanyeol after he spoke.

" Yeah. Are you crazy? Its dangerous out there. " Kai said also said and mess his hair in frustration.

" Exactly, its dangerous out there.So  we need to find Jimin and Suho as soon as possible, they are probably tired and have no weapons so they need a back up. " I explained and already turn my back.

" Wait! "

" I'll go. "

" No way in hell i'll let you go alone "

" Im coming with you "

When i looked back i saw Luhan, Jungkook ,Kai and Chanyeol glaring at each other after they spoke at the same time.

" Whoa. " i heard V whistled and look at the four.

" Seriously? I'm not a baby. So i don't need a baby sitter. " I irritatedly said and the four boys stop their glaring contest and look back at me. " And Chanyeol,you are still badly hurt, you're just going to be a burden to me. " I continued and make my way to the door, i stop beside Eunwoo for a bit.

" Close the door immediately and i need an active lookout incase i make it to come back here with the two missing person. Okay? " I instructed him and he just nodded. As soon as i step my foot outside i heard the gate being closed.

" Now. Let's start hunting. " i said to myself and walk further.



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