Chapter Thirty-Five (Finale)

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(A/N; Wassup guys! It's been so long 😄 Sorry it took quite a long time for me to update the new chapter. I was really busy with stuff haha. So here it is, the final chapter of the book. Hope you'll like it :D)

Jimin's Pov

"Go go!" I said as the 3 of us run from the hoard of zombies that are quickly catching up to us.

"Oh shit! How can we out run them!?" Naeun said as she looks around us. Zombies coming from every direction completely surrounding us. The only clear path is forward but there's no where to go or where torb hide from them.

"Jimin I don't think we're going to make it." -Naeun

"Have a little faith, babe." -Me

"I'm running out of faith here babe." Naeun says sarcastically.

"There! Up ahead! We can climb up that gate." -Taehyung

"But the gate is too high for us to make it. Not with this distance between us and the zombies." -Naeun

"I see a dumpster up ahead. We can use that to climb over. We'll make it, trust me." -Taehyung

"I don't know about this..." -Naeun

Taehyung quickly run ahead of us giving us time to climb the dumpster that he was pulling by himself stopping in front of the gate.

"Guys, c'mon!" Says Taehyung before climbing up the dumpster and climbing over to the other side of the gate.

The zombies are right behind me. If I even slip or fall, I'll be zombie food in an instant. Naeun and I manage to reach the dumpster. I help her up since the height of the dumpster is half her size. While waiting for her to climb over the gate, I notice there are more zombies coming from the two buildings that were next to us. Taehyung notice the problem and anxiously shout at Naeun to hurry up.

"Shxt... Naeun, hurry your ass over!" -Taehyung

Sensing the anxious tone coming from Taehyung, Naeun looks behind turning wide-eyes at the total number of zombies coming at us. 

I turn around and get my gun ready to shoot at any zombies that comes near us. "Naeun, if you don't hurry up and get your ass over that gate, we'll be zombie food." I snap her out of the fear that is slowly creeping up in her. She has a hard time climbing up so I give her a light push.

She quickly makes her way over to the other side of gate with the help of Taehyung while I continuously shoot the zombies one after the other.

"Babe, hurry up and climb!" Says Naeun when she sees I have yet to get my ass up on that dumpster. After killing yet another one of the zombie, I quickly turn around and lift myself up the dumpster but luck was not on my side as one of my leg slip, making it harder for me to push myself up and as I look at that dreadful expression on Naeun's face, I knew my time had come.

Author's Pov

Naeun stood frozen, unable to bring the words out that lingered at the tip of her tongue, her eyes filled with tears....tears from which she had shed from looking at the painful scene in front of her.

A scene where she tried over and over again to not make it come true....

A scene where she purposely overlooked the possibility of it becoming real.

But reality struck her yet again after she heard her name and a short message that comes with it.

"Naeun... Please survive...promise me that you will survive...." He said as his pale skin torn from his flesh  but still managed to say the words that he had always and forever wished to say to her, "....I love you."

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