Chapter Eleven

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Jimin's POV

When we were done with our breakfast, we decided to do our own thing. Kris and Suho are helping Hayoung in the kitchen. Sehun,Taehyung and Hoseok are playing with Daljun while Jungkook and Chorong just watched. Its weird how they can stay quiet the whole time. Anyways, Kai went out to look for Eunji probably couldn't stand the fact that she's wondering off alone. Luhan however, stayed in the room. Sometimes, I pity him because of what happened but the other times, I'm kinda pissed that he's not trying to move on. Atleast Jungkook talks to us after losing his girlfriend. Chanyeol,Baekhyun and Lay gone off to somewhere and I don't know where. And then there's Naeun. You know, ever since that incident yesterday, she has been avoiding me. I'm not sure why myself. Whenever I tried to talk to her, she managed to escape from me. Am I a decease or something?

"Guys!" Chanyeol barged into the house together with Baekhyun and Lay. We stopped whatever we were doing and looked at him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"New York" -Chanyeol

"New York?" Suho walked out of the kitchen followed by Kris and Hayoung.

"Let's go to New York" -Chanyeol

All of us stared at each other in disbelief. New York? Is he crazy? "New York? Why do you want to go to New York? Are you hearing yourself??" Naeun, ready to step on Chanyeol's foot any time soon. Sometimes, I really find her scary.

"Okay, look. We found a map that was mark with safe places in New York. There are a lot of shelters there. This could be our chances to survive." -Baekhyun

"Rather than staying here with all these walkers around" -Lay

"And how do you suggest us get to New York? Fly?" -Sehun

"Umm...the Incheon airport is just 1 hour away. We can take the plane" -Chanyeol

"Are you fucking hearing yourself!? How do you fucking expect us to fly an airplane? We are no fucking pilots here!" -Naeun

"Chillex woman. Calm your fucking horses. You're going to make me deaf soon. Anyways, Lay here is an expert when it comes to planes and flying so it'll be easier for us" -Chanyeol

We turned our gazes to Lay. We never thought he could fly a plane.

"Though I only studied it for 2 years" -Lay

Then again, maybe he doesn't. "2 years!? And you're expecting us to put our lives in your hands!? Don't make me swing Jungkook's sword at you" Naeun growled. Jungkook raised one of his eyebrows then.

"Oh grow some balls! It's better than staying here for god knows when! This is New York we're talking about. New York! Don't you feel the least excited?" -Chanyeol

"That's the last thing we want to feel dude" -Kris

"Can you guys just think this through? Come on" -Chanyeol

We took a moment to calm our minds and think what was best for us. Either to stay here and run out of supplies or to fly to new york and try our luck. These are the only options we have.

"Maybe Chanyeol is right. Maybe this could increase our chances of surviving", someone broke the silence and you could not believe who it was. Yuppp, the before-lifeless-Luhan who had a very serious expression glued to his face and I don't even wanna go on further on explaning this.

"So you wanna go?" -Chorong

"Its best to try than not trying" -Luhan

Again, we created that moment. But this was even longer and I mean very long. Well, I do think we have less chances of surviving if we stay here so I think its better to just go with it.

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