Chapter Thirteen

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Jungkook's POV

I noticed the atmosphere around us wasn't pleasant. After we lost Baekhyun, our minds just wondered off to a different world. A world where this life has become our reality. No more fun. No more jokes and no more playing around. This was the real deal and we're all finally able to see that.

I am not really worried about Chanyeol because I can see he is taking it really well. Even when his best friend died, he still managed to stay strong and not lose hope. Unlike me.

Who I am most worried about is Lay. He is different compared to Chanyeol. He doesn't seem to be taking it so well. I mean, he did watched his best friend died in front of his very eyes. But Chanyeol seem to have no problem with it. Plus, Lay is flying a plane. In other words, he is our pilot. If things start to go wrong because of him, we might not be able to make it to New York.


A chocolate bar was offered to me. I turned my head to the left where I found Chorong offering me a choco bar. She had a small smile plastered on her face. Probably having a hard time too. I took the chocolate from her and returned the smile, "Thanks"

"What do you think is in New York?" -Chorong

"What do you mean?" -Me

"Do you really think we're safe there?" -Chorong

I took a moment to respond. To be honest, I don't know what's waiting for us out there myself. But I trust Chanyeol on this one. If he says there are shelters there, then I believe him.

"I don't know. But I am wiling to see. Are you?" -Me

She stared at me for a while before electrifying me with her angelic smile. "I am" she said.

Now what the hell was that?

Kai's POV

"Okay guys, we're here"

I woke up to the alarm of someone's voice. When I was fully awake, I realised it was Chanyeol who was waking us.

"We're almost there. We need to prepare" -Chanyeol

What? We're here already? I checked the watch only to be hit by a time that read 2:34a.m. We have been sleeping for hours??? No wonder Jimin is walking like an old lady. Back pain probably and I think I have one too. Better keep it to myself. Shussh.

"How long have we been sleeping?" -Naeun

"Almost 5 hours" -Chanyeol

"And you didn't sleep?" -Luhan

"I did but only for half an hour. I couldn't sleep" -Chanyeol

It's probably because of what happened to Baekhyun. I guess he's not as strong as I claimed him to be.

"Anyways, the airport is just right around the corner. Gather up your belong-" -Chanyeol

He wasn't able to finish his sentence when suddenly the plane started shaking.

"Woah! What the hell is going on!?" -V

"Everybody, hang on!!" -Me

We managed to take our seats and put on our seatbelts. This is seriously not happening. Are we having a-

"Planecrash!!" -V

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!" All of us shouted which made him shut up right away. We're not really please to hear the word 'planecrash' right now.

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