Chapter Sixteen

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Eunji's POV

Me and Luhan just stay silent for awhile. I have a second thoughts whether i should tell him the reason of Lay's death or just keep my mouth shut to protect Lay from getting hate by the others.

I can't blame Chanyeol for hating me but I can endure it that he hates me but the thing that he will know his friends true identity it will hurt him more than he'd hurt by his friend's death.

" It's alright if your not ready to tell me yet. " Luhan spoke. I looked at him and he smiled but I can't return it.

"Lay killed everyone. Your friend,Jungkook's girlfriend and even Baekhyun." I said playing with my fingers. I looked at him and his eyebrows met.

"What are you saying? We all know that Zombies killed them not Lay. " Luhan said.

"Lay is one of the people spread the virus to the country. He made those creatures out there." I look at him.

The thing i said looks like a bomb explode infront of him. His eyes widen.

"W.. what? He is the reason why this apocalypse happened? " He grab my shoulder and shake me.

I removed his hand and hug my knees. "

This is what really happened on the car when Naeun left us to check up your group. "

* flashback *

Still Eunji's POV

When the others left us to check the other group i continue cleaning my archery when i feel someone nudge me. I looked beside me and saw Lay looking at me.

" Eunji~ " I looked at Lay he's really pale and looks hurt.

" Wae? Do you need anything? Or are you hurt? " I asked looking at his leg which is bleeding.

" Kill me. " two words and my brain freeze.

"Wh.. what? Are you out of your mind? Your not infected why would i kill you. " I said with wide eyed.

What is this dude saying?

" Your probably changed your mind once you knew what i did. " He smile bitter.

" Look, i think you just need rest. Just Lay down for a while. " I said not minding him.

" I am the one who spread the Virus on our school. I am the reason why eveyone got killed. I killed Baekhyun for creating those zombies. " I looked at him dumbfounded. Tears strimming down his face.

" We all know that China and Korea are enemies. ( oh this just a story ^_^ ) My father is a chinese commisioner, the chinese prime minister order him to bring Korea Down by making an epedemic disease so my dad send me in Korea to do thing that i hate the most! That's to spread the virus. But we didn't know that the virus is too strong that made everyone a Living Dead! i don't want Chanyeol or others to know this! Im a Jerk! "

I stayed quiet, still processing what's happening. I looked at him.

" Now you have all the reason to kill me.. " He said. " Im a monster Eunji.

"Yeah, your the worst! But i'm not going to kill you! I will let your guilt kill you instead! " I sharply said.

He looked at me with a sad smile.

" Im sorry. " Before i can even react he grab the arrow that im holding and stab it in his heart. Im so shock. I tried to stop him and hold the arrow preventing it to go deeper. But im too late.

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