Chapter Seventeen

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Taehyung's POV

I still couldn't get that conversation out of my head. The conversation Luhan and Eunji had was top secret and they had no idea I heard everything. But the question is...what should I do now? Should I tell the others? Or should I keep this quiet like Eunji wanted? Maybe I should confront the two about it.

Wait...maybe that's not a good idea. Jeez, why would I be the one to hear that chat? I feel like my mind is going to explode soon.

"Taehyung shi... are you okay?" -Naeun

I turned around only to find Naeun coming out of the toilet. Between everyone of us here...I think the both of us are the most stable ones.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I just had a lot on my mind"

I tried to laugh like I always do. The best thing to do now is to just act natural. When the right time comes, I'll tell her.

"So you're worried about Eunji and Chanyeol too?" -Naeun

"Partly. But I'm more worried about Chorong." -Me

"Huh? Chorong? What's wrong with her?" -Naeun

"I get this feeling that she's hiding something. Something that we shouldn't know" -Me

"What makes you say that?" -Naeun

"I'm not sure but I'm getting uneasy just thinking about it" -Me

"Maybe you're just starting to like her" -Naeun

I blushed the moment she said that. I mean...there's no way I'm in love with that weird girl. Besides, she has eyes for Jungkook.

"Are you crazy or something? I don't like her alright" -Me

"Just saying" -Naeun

"And anyways, how did your chat go with Chanyeol?" -Me

"Well, I managed to calm him a little but that doesn't mean he'll stop hating Eunji. This gives me the more urge to know what happened" -Naeun

I studied her expression for awhile. I want to tell her everything but if I do that...then who knows what might happen.

"I'm sure there's a story behind it. We just need to be smart and not rush to conclusions" -Me

"I think so too. I mean what I saw could be wrong because I didn't actually saw her stabbed him with that arrow" -Naeun

"Like I said...lets not jump to conclusions" -Me

"Yeah, you're right. The more I think about it, the more I'm worried about Chanyeol" -Naeun

"Hey now...don't tell me you're starting to like him?" I teased a little.

"Huh!? N-no! I do not like him, okay!" She stomp off back to the others.

Pfft. She's kinda cute when she does that. I could even see the butterflies flying out of her when I asked her if she liked him. Its too damn obvious.

= = =

Chorong's POV

Jungkook and the others hadn't come back yet. I'm getting really worried. And with all these troubled faces in front of me...I don't think I'll ever get comfortable.

We had moved all the racks to the sides and set up a camp in the middle. Not really a camp. Just a lamp in the middle and us sitting around it to warm ourselves. We had covered the windows with strong woods so the zombies couldn't see us and painted the walls with zombie bloods so they wouldn't be able to smell us.

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