Chapter Thirty-Three (I)

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(A/N: This is a part one of Chapter 33 written by me {BtsJimins_Waifu} 😁 There will be part two coming soon. In the meantime, enjoy this chapter! Ps; If you are 18 and under, I suggest you to close your eyes and continue scrolling without looking 😂😂)

Eunji's Pov

Kai and I hid under a hidden door that we came across while running away. Its 200 miles away from the camp so its safe to say that we're safe in here.

"I hope the others are doing fine." -Kai

"Knowing those bunch, I'd say they can take pretty darn care of themselves." -Me

"Hopefully. They are probably taking shelter somewhere nearby. Good thing Hoseok and the others left before this happened, huh?" -Kai

"...." -Me

I knew Kai was talking but I couldn't find it in me to listen to him talking. All I could think of was the death of Chanyeol and Luhan who died in front of my very own eyes.

Chanyeol and I had a rocky start but throughout the journey, after going through a lot together.... we somehow able to understand each other better. And we were beginning to become friends too.

As for Luhan....


A few drops of tears trickle down my cheeks. I reach up to my cheeks and feel the cold tears against my skin. If I had known he was going to go so soon, I would have told him how I felt about him. I was too slow to realize my true feelings....

I tried to hold in the tears but it seems like I'm at my limit.

Kai's Pov

Eunji started crying silently, her hands covering her mouth to soften the noise.

Its like.... I've always known she was in love with Luhan but I wasn't able to accept it that I decided to overlook that possibility.

But now....seeing her like this breaks my heart into a million pieces. If I had known Luhan was going to die, if I had known Eunji would break down this much because of it, I would have helped them both; to realize their feelings towards each other.

Luhan you ass... why did you have to leave so soon?

=  =  =

Jungkook's Pov

"Hey, you okay back there?" I look behind where Chorong is struggling to climb up this hill. Eunwoo's standing just right behind her.

While running for our lives, our group kind of got split up and I somehow ended up with Chorong and Eunwoo. Hope the others are okay.

"I'm fine, just.... this hill is too slippery." -Chorong

As soon as she said, her leg slip causing her to lose balance. Eunwoo and I both hold on to her at the same time. Eunwoo holding her waist and me holding her shoulders.

Honestly, this is kind of awkward....

Eunwoo and I shot each other a look whereas Chorong just stared at the two of us. Realizing the situation, I immediately let go of her and clear my throat wiping the sweat on my hands.

"Better keep moving. Its getting dark out." -Me

Not wanting to stick around in this awkward silence, I turn around and quickly climb the hill where my eyes landed on an old house made out of bricks.

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