Part 3

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" james? James? Are you ok?"

" what? Yeah im fine."

" then why do you keep staring into space?"

James looked around and realized he had been staring at a window. The marauders were at the library studying for an upcoming Potions exam but there was only one thing on James' mind.

" prongs whats up with you?" Peter asked as he flicked through his notes.

James sighed and bit his lip.

" someone asked Severus before me."

" WHAT?!" The three looked at him.

" shhhh! Were in a library! Jesus. Relax he said he will still go with me because he apparently doesn't really like the person."

Sirius nodded and tapped his fingers on his book.

" then whats got your knickers in a twist?"

" i just wanna know who the hell asked him?" James sighed.

" jeez prongs, havent even gone out with the bloke and your this protective?" Remus teased, Peter snickering.

James grabbed a book and threatened to hit his head with it. Remus ducked but he was still laughing.

" ugh jeez. I have to go." James said and stood up from his chair.

" what? Where?!"

" i need to find whoever asked Snape!" James yelled back and left the library.

He was walking the halls that were abandoned as most everyone was still on vacation.

He stalked around until he decided to go up to gryffindor tower, assuming Lily was there and he could ask her.

If not then he could go to Regulus. If all else fails then he would have to ask...... Malfoy.

Just thinking of the git sent a shiver down his spine and he groaned. He was passing the classroom by the tower stairs when he felt a painful jab in his shoulders.

He staggered forward and held onto a wall in one hand, the other on his shoulders.

" what the fuck?" He whispered and looked back.

Standing behind him with a wand up was Gasper Avery.

" Avery. What the fuck?" James said as he yelped in pain from another stinging hex.

" what the fuck? What the fuck is the matter with you?!" Avery yelled, coming closer to james.

He flipped james over and pushed him into the wall, james groaning in pain from the contact.

" what did i ever do to you?!" James asked.

" what did you do? You stole my date!" Avery said grabbing James' collar.

James furrowed his eyebrows but then realization dawned on him.

He looked down and made an "O" face.

" oh. You're the one who asked Snape."

" yes!" Avery pushed him into the stone wall, earning a yelp of pain from James.

James took a sharp intake of air as he felt his back bleed from it rubbing on the stone wall.

Then avery send another hex down at his leg. James held in the yell threatening to come out and bit back the pain.

He looked at avery and smirked a sly smile.

" why are you mad? Did little Avery get his date stolen?" He teased.

Fury shot through avery's eyes as he raised his wand again.

" you'll regret that. STUPEF-"

" ENOUGH GASPER." A loud and deep voice echoed.

They both shot their heads to the voice to find a tall black figure standing in the hallway.

It was Snape.

" what the fuck do you think you are doing? This is exactly why I didn't want to go with you." Severus snatched his wand from him and threw it on the floor.

Avery let go of James and he fell on the floor. Severus towered over Avery with a composed expression. His face was blank but you could tell he was angry from the glint in his eyes that stared him down.

Avery scoffed and looked down at james. James smiled at him and waved.

Avery clicked his tongue and walked off from the scene, purposefully knocking Snapes' shoulder.

Snape stepped back from the contact and sighed.

His hands were in his pockets and he was dressed in all black.

He looked down at james who was still in pain. He held out his hand and crouched down.

" are you okay?"

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