Part 11

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Regulus sighed dramatically and slapped Amycus over the head

" oi! Stop fighting with your brother will ya? Jesus, 10 minutes into the fitting and you're already at each others throats. How you survive at home is beyond me."

" what? Aren't you like that with your brother?"

" well according to my mother and the law, i dont have a "brother" anymore so, fuck off amycus and stop trying to claw Alecto's eyes out." Regulus spat.

Amycus sneered and eyed Alecto menacingly in which he just rolled his eyes.

" well im just glad they stopped throwing bundles of ties at each other. Ruined the silk." Lucius dusted off a tie he picked up from the floor.

Severus chuckled and continued browsing through the tuxes.

" you care too much about such trivial things lucius."

" Severus there is nothing wrong with caring about how you look. As a pureblood i have to be elegant but trustworthy, presentable and clean, smart and-"

" you just want to impress Narcissa's parents."

" ok fine you caught me." Lucius threw the tie back at the rack and turned away.

" look i get that having a nice tux is good but who cares about where the silk was imported from, its SILK! Its made from WORMS!"

" ew." Regulus grimaced and put down the silk pocket square he was holding.

Severus laughed and turned to his friend.

" yeah honestly i dont really give a crap about any of this."

" you really should." Mulciber commented.

" jesus Mulciber where did you come from? And what do you mean?"

Mulciber shrugged and sat down on one of the ottomans.

" look, compared to the rest, i dont really give a shit about your love life. You havent had a big fiasco since.......her and you have been relatively calm. But now you're making a big deal over Potter and i think you need to start caring more."

" oh please Severus cares way more about Potter than any of his other relationships. And he isnt even in an ACTUAL relationship with him." Regulus flailed his arms.

" well he might as well be. Snogging by the lake, picking out tuxes, going to a ball. Come on dude you need to get over it and just ask him out. Not like anybody is going to stop you." Lucius flipped through a magazine.

" thats true." Mulciber pointed to lucius.

Severus sighed and leaned back.

" what should i do?"

"ok...... here me out. What if you make him jealous?" Mulciber suggested.

The three of them and the rest of the slytherins who were eavesdropping snapped their heads to severus as Mucliber smiled mischievously.

" the fuck?" Severus cursed.

" no thats perfect!" Regulus yelled.

" then you can see how he really feels!"

" guys im trying to ask him out not give him trust issues."

Regulus and lucius sighed and rolled their eyes.

Lucius stood up and put a hand on severus' shoulder.

" look Sev, tomorrow at the ball, talk to a few people, see how he reacts. If he doesnt react, then you know how he feels. If he is jealous, it means he likes you, and if he takes it well without jealousy or mistrust......well then you might as well marry him, your never finding anyone like that again."

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