Part 26 ( last part)

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" Sev!"

Severus turned around and spotted his cousin, now sister and smiled.

" hey ash."

" must be james." She said with an excited grin and pursed her lips to hide how ecstatic she was.

" oh yeah. Hi nice to meet you." James stuck out his hand.

Ashley ignored his hand and immediately brought him in for a hug, hugging him tightly and letting out an excited squeal.

" she is very excited to meet you." Severus whispered next to him.

" i can tell." James whispered back and hugged her with one arm, the other holding a glass.

She finally pulled away and grabbed him by both shoulders, grinning at him like a mad man.

" i want you to meet my mum. Well i guess our mum now. Come on, lets go." She quickly linked their elbows and led him away, james looking back concerned at nervous.

He scowled as severus just smiled and waved goodbye at him while he was tugged away.

Severus felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see lily smiling smugly.

" you aren't gonna help him?"

" he'll do well on his own. Plus my aunt likes him already."

" aunt? No mum?"

Severus inhaled and shook his head with a soft smile.

" no. She resembles her a lot but....she'll never replace my mother. She'll just be my aunt."

Lily hummed a response and stood next to him, watching severus' aunt coo over james.

She was smiling and laughing all while james looked desperate to please her.

" you know hes been stressing about this for like 6 hours today?"

" really? 6?"

" mhm. Hasnt stopped fixing his hair since 10 this morning."

Severus snorted.

" sounds like him."

" yeah. But we love him."

" everyone does lily. Everyone does."

Severus sipped on his drink and decided james has had enough torture.

" hey guys." He snaked his arm around james' waist and he felt james ease into his touch.

" awwww how romantic!" One of severus relatives cooed.

Severus' aunt looked at them approvingly and pat severus shoulder.

If there was one thing james observed about the Princes were that most all of them were tall, built like poles and had the darkest hair and eyes he had ever seen.

Almost every one of them were either taller or as tall as james. Lily felt like a dwarf in the crowds.

" i like him." His aunt said warmly.

" thank you auntie." Severus replied, patting her hand.

She motioned the crowd of relatives to follow her so they had some privacy, ashley lingering around and wiggling her eyebrows at severus.

" god, just go." Severus pushed her back, making her laugh and walk away.

" oh thank god. I like your family but that was nerve wracking."

" i could tell." Severus laughed.

" hey! Dont laugh at my misery!"

" its not misery its just.....pure desperation." Severus snorted.

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