Part 10

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" hey james? James? Um jame- wha- where is he going?" Severus' face twisted in confusion.

He turned to lily and she just shrugged.

" is he... is he running away?" Marlene asked.

" i dont know"

James was squatting down so that he was being covered by sirius and slowly walking out the library in that fashion. Remus was yelling at him, something about him being a coward and peter was just snickering.

" hey sev. The hell are you staring at?" Lucius walked up to them and asked.

" Malfoy." Lily nodded.

" Evans." Lucius nodded back.

" ugh. Stop that you know it freaks me out when you're civil with each other." Severus cringed.

" oh thank god. Snob."

" muggle."

" wizard nazi"

" mud-bloo-"

" Lucius!" Severus scolded him before he could finish the word.

" sorry. I forgot." Lucius dusted off his jacket and lily huffed.

" sorry. Didnt mean to call you a nazi."

" what even is a nazi?"

" oh right you don't know what a nazi is. Lets just say its a real nice word for your kind." Lily said sarcastically.

" what? Purebloods?"

Lily looked at him and blinked.

" sure. Why not."

Severus stifled a laugh and pat lucius' shoulder.

" do me a favor. Never use that word." Severus whispered, lucius nodded and looked around.

" anyway, what are you looking at?"

" oh just Potter and his stupidity." Marlene pitched in.

" of course it is. You know he has been causing us nothing but trouble since he asked you, why dont you go with avery?" Lucius exasperated. Severus rolled his eyes and glared at him.

" i told you Luci, i dont like Avery."

" yes yes i know you dont like avery. Just two days ago you broke his nose 3 times and bruises his adams apple."

Marlene and lily snickered together at that which earned them a glare from lucius.

" come on. James isnt that bad." Lily defended.

" oh really? Well if he wasnt that bad he wouldn't be so cowardice. Look at him, hes fleeing from severus who HE asked to the ball."

" well to be fair i think i know why he is fleeing and its sort of my fault." Severus rubbed the back of his head.

" what for?" Lucius knotted his eyebrows.

" i may have kissed him a couple times and embarrassed him." Severus said quickly.

Marlenes eyes widened and lily's mouth fell open.

" severus!" Lucius yelled.

" what?! You would do it to Narcissa any day! You two might as well shag on the common room couch!"

Lucius scoffed and rolled his eyes.

" you over exaggerate, but seriously sev. James Potter? JAMES POTTER? thats how low you are going?"

" hey! James is a perfectly good guy!" Lily yelled back.

" a perfectly good guy who tormented Severus for 7 years and now all of a sudden wants him? No, i dont trust it."

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