Part 4

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James looked up and smiled.

" of course im fine."

" are you sure? You had three stinging hexes thrown at your back. Can you even stand?" Severus asked.

James nodded and tried to stand but ended up falling onto Snape.

" ok so you cannot stand. Come, put your arm around my neck." Snape told him and James complied.

James limped as severus started walking them to the dungeons.

" wait where are we going?"

" to my room."

" but what about Avery?" James asked concerned. Snape smiled and chuckled.

" he wouldn't do anything in front of a crowd. Hes all big talk but in reality hes just a coward. A powerful one, but still a coward." Severus said as they made it to the portrait hole.

Snape whispered the password to the painting of Salazar who was giving James dirty looks and led them inside.

James hopped into the common room and saw that there were a lot of Slytherins holed up in the room.

" woah woah woah what the hell? Severus whats he doing here?" Mulciber yelled. Snape rolled his eyes and stared at him.

" Avery Hexed him. Im getting him fixed up will you guys relax?" Snape argued.

" still Severus, a lion in a Snakes den wont last long." Lucius snarled.

" jesus Luci he isnt a disease. It wont take long can you just stop being dramatic for two seconds?"

" guys come on. Potter isnt that bad. Sev you can take him to the potions room, there are some extra healing potions you brewed there." A dark haired boy James recognized as Sirius' younger brother Regulus spoke up.

" not a bad guy? This dude tormented Severus for what 7 years? And then all of a sudden we find out hes taking him to the Purebloods ball and they are all buddy buddy. Avery shouldn't have stopped at the hexes." Amycus Carrow hissed.

James hadn't realized the fact that he never actually apologized to Snape for his actions and just assumed he would say yes to his proposal.

" i-"

" and now you're even taking his side? After all the times you came in here injured yourself because of HIM? Seriously Sev why are you helping him?" Alecto, the other carrow said.

" will you all just shut up?! Oh like you guys are all high and mighty? How many times have i had to break you apart from a little hufflepuff you were bullying? Or how many wounds did i heal because you couldn't control yourselves? Fix yourselves first and then you can preach to me about who is a good person and who is not." Severus snapped back.

They all shut up as Severus led the still injured and slightly startled James to the potions room.

The slytherin common room was silent as they all stared at each other, snapes words ringing in their ears.

Snape opened the door to the potions room and set James down on one of the high stools.

He then went back and closed the door behind them. He walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a couple potions and cloths.

When he came back James had a solemn look on his face.

" come on dont look like that. Its not your fault they just dont like Gryffindors." Severus said as he prepared the potion for use.

" no just........ im sorry. I realized i never actually apologized to you."

Severus stopped what he was doing and froze. He then shook his head and continued.

" its in the past. I forgave you and myself a long time ago. Its time you do it too."

" it doesnt bother you that i didnt say sorry sooner?"

" it did. But now im over it. Take off your shirt." Severus turned to him. James' eyes widened as he stared at him.

" what?!"

" well i cant use the potion through your shirt." Severus gestured to james shirt.

James hesitated before lifting his arm but winced because of his shoulder.

Severus sighed and came closer to him. James blushed from how close Severus was and stared down in silent panic as severus started to undo the buttons.

" damn at least buy me dinner first." James said trying to hide his nervousness.

Severus chuckled and smiled. James smiled too as severus took off James' shirt.

James winced as the fabric brushed against his sore back.

Severus then neatly folded his shirt up and put it on a nearby desk.

He reached over and lightly touched James' back who jerked from the cool touch.

" sorry does it hurt?"

" umm yeah, but your hands are also really..... cold." James said shyly.

Severus smiled at this side of James. He never gets to see this side, its always the over confident git him.

" well then potion is cold so your going to have to deal with it." Severus said and grabbed a potion soaked towel.

He gently put it on James' back who was half expecting a painful sting but was instead met with a cool relieving feeling.

" oh my god." He sighed in relief. Severus chuckled and continued to wipe James' back gently.

" better?"

" much, yes. Thank you." James smiled.

" no problem. I brewed it fresh yesterday so it should work faster."  Severus explained.

" wait you brewed it?"

" yeah. I brew most of the potions we use in here."

" really? Like what?"

" mostly healing potions like this one. But i do brew a couple potions for Slughorn."

" like?"

" amortenia, wolfsbane, veritaserum, intermediate potions like that."

James nodded and relaxed under severus' touch.

" so...... avery was the one who asked you?" James said gingerly.

Snape stopped for a second then continued wiping his back.

" yeah."

" so is there a reason why you didn't want ot go with him? And why he hexed the fuck out of me?" James smiled. Severus shifted in place.

"Um. We used to date."

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