Part 7

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" mom. Yes i got a date. Sirius too. Yes remus and peter. We all got dates mother! No need to worry okay? Ok. Tell father i love him. Ok bye." James said as he hung up the phone.

" seriously how did you sneak this in here moony?" James said as he switched it off.

Remus scoffed and grabbed the phone from him.

" we arent in prison james. Were allowed muggle stuff."

" we arent allowed muggle alcohol." Sirius countered.

" i think that has to do with the fact that it is ALCOHOL more than it is a muggle product." Peter said over the daily prophet he was reading. Moony snapped his fingers and pointed at peter in which he winked. All four of them burst into small laughter but soon calmed down.

" well whatever. Peter, who you bringing?"

" easy my friend. Nobody."

" WHAT?" The three of them turned to peter.

" yep."

" is that allowed?" Sirius turned to james. James shrugged and continued staring at peter.

" of course its allowed! Its a ball, its not mandatory to have a date."

" well why not pick a pretty girl and go with her?" Remus asked.

" well you all could have just picked a pretty girl to go with but you didn't. You chose guys who you would pounce on at any minute if you had the chance, but you would never admit that. And plus, i dont find any of the girls pretty and i dont mind going alone."

" then go with a dude!"

" i dont find guys attractive either."

" so what you dont like anyone?"

" ding ding ding Prongs. You win a special prize! Its called knowledge about your good friend peter pettigrew!" Peter said sarcastically.

Lupin rolled his eyes and reached over, snatching the paper from him.

" so what are you saying you're attracted to no one? How is that even possible how could you just not find anyone attractive?" Sirius asked.

" a magical thing called being Aromantic and Asexuality." Peter said as he made a little rainbow with his hands.

" what? Whats that?" Prongs asked. Remus sighed and kicked him.

" dont be ignorant. Asexuality is when you arent attracted anyone sexually and Aromantic people aren't romantically attracted to anyone."  Remus explained.

Peter held his hand up and remus high fived it. Peter pointed at remus and smiled.

" this guy gets me." He said. Remus high fived him again and gave back the paper.

James and sirius just stared at each other open mouthed and eyebrows furrowed.

" i dont get how you could just not feel sexual attraction." Sirius said finally.

" thats because you are a horndog who would literally fuck a couch if you could." Peter said.

Sirius stared at him and james snickered behind him. Remus looked to him and raised one of his eyebrows.

" yeah its a real problem. we should get you neutered." Remus said. Peter smirked and sirius widened his eyes. He put his hands near his crotch and stared at them evily.

" dont even joke about that!"

" who said we were joking, you know i know a vet who could probably do it-"

" ok no! Lalalallalalalala i cant hear you!" Sirius stood up and walked away with his hands on his ears.

Remus and the other two watched him walk away from them.

" whats the problem? Is the puppy too scared?" James yelled after him. Sirius looked back and held up the middle finger at them and disappeared into the stairwell leading up to the boys dorms.

James chuckled with peter and remus but stood up two.

" ok i gotta go. See you guys later." He said as he pat their heads. Remus swatted his hand away and peter just let it happen like he was used to it.

" see ya!" Peter yelled after him, his eyes still glued to the pages of the daily prophet.


" wha- you TOLD HIM?" Lily shrieked.

Snape winced from the high pitch volume lily was yelling and nodded slowly.

" was i not supposed to?"


" he didnt seem mad-"

" REALLY?" Lily said hopefully. Marlene closed her eyes and but her hands on her girlfriends shoulders.

" honey please, calm down."

" he really wasnt mad?" Lily asked, almost jumping.

" please calm down. Please. Yes he wasnt mad." Severus reassured.

" oh my god IM FREE." Lily shouted at the top of her lungs.

Marlene and severus ducked unconsciously and looked around to make sure they didnt disturb anyone.

" lily please." Severus whispered.

" oh jesus. Really it only took me being a lesbian and my best friend sweeping him off his feet for him to forget me." Lily said casually and walked away.

Marlene and severus looked at each other and then ran after her.

" huh?" Severus said.

" well think about it. He knows i have a girlfriend so his chances are next to none and it just so happens my best friend is an awesome romancer and swept him off his feet. Why else would someone who was SO ADAMANT about dating me just give up with no reaction like that?" Lily explained.

Again marlene and severus looked at each other.

" huh?" They both said. Lily rolled her eyes and continued walking.

" come on lets go. We're gonna be late to lunch."

" oh actually i have somewhere to go." Severus said.

" ooh~ off to see your loverboy?" Marlene teased. Snape lightly punched her arm and she did the same.

" shut up. Im just going to take a few laps in the black lake. Ill see you after."

" mmmmmm sure you are."

" i swear to salazar marlene you are unbearable."

" come on! Your my bestie!"

" i am not your bestie."

" but you call me Marlene and you dont call any other gryffindor their first name except for lily."

" thats because you are her girlfriend, i am forced to be nice to you. And you are wrong, i also call james by his first name."

" ooooooh~ first name basis~"

" oh fuck off." Severus groaned and walked away from them.

" ay! Sev! Where ya going?"

" black lake! Maybe ill ask ask the giant squid to eat you!"

" dont be so glum!" Marlene yelled.

Severus held up the middle finger at them and continued walking out into the courtyard.

Marlene and lily snickered together before marlene kissed the top of lily's head and wrapped her arm around her.

" come on lets go."

" fine. Ill tease james about it later." Lily smiled.

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