Part 17

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" james please, come on-james! Calm down!" Severus yelled as james excitedly dragged severus around hogsmeade.

Severus couldn't help but laugh as they started running down the streets. They probably looked like lunatics.

" come on sev, We cant miss the sugar quills!"

" are you on drugs? The sugar quills arent gonna go anywhere!"

" yeah but they got this new muggle flavor that i wanna try."

James finally stopped running when they were outside of honeydukes, the bright green shelving and the bright atmosphere immediately cheering them up.

On a big sign above the sugar quill section wrote in bold letters " NEW FLAVOR QUILLS."

James weaved through the throng of people that was common in honeydukes, trying to reach the sugar quill section as fast as he could.

" there it is." James reached up the shelf and grabbed a dark brown colored quill.

" coffee? Really we ran through the streets so you could try coffee flavored sugar quills?"

" what I've never had it before!"

" how have you never had coffee?"

" its a muggle thing!"

" lily and lupin drink it like every morning, you've never taken a sip of their cups?"

" only if there is firewhiskey in them and that usually drowns out the flavor of the coffee."

" god you're such an alcoholic."

" why thank you."

" that wasnt a compliment."

" it was to me."

James walked away to the cash register, leaving severus alone.

Severus rolled his eyes and grunted, grabbing a handful of chocolate frogs and going to the cash register too.

" why are you buying 7? Isnt that a little excessive?"

" its one for each of us. The marauders and the extras."

" did you just call us extras?"

" what? I mean the extra additions."

" fuck you." Severus laughed playfully.

" only if you would." James said casually, looking up to pay.

Severus stood frozen, trying to comprehend what he had said. It wasnt until james was snapping his fingers in front of him when he snapped out of it.

He lightly punched james in the shoulder in which james laughed, walking to the door with their bag full of candy.

" so would you really let me-?"

" sev it was a joke!"

" ok but would you?" Severus asked, leaning in behind james' head, crouching slightly.

" eh."

" what do you mean 'eh'?"

" it just means eh." James said unhelpfully.

Severus clicked his tongue and stood back up to his full height, walking closely behind james.

" so what do you wanna do next?"

" three broomsticks? Im kinda hungry-"

" Sevvy?" A feminine voice said behind them. Severus' eyebrows immediately rose in terror.

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