Part 16

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" how was the hearing?" James and the rest rose when they saw sirius walk into the gryffindor common room.

" um different question, why is your girlfriend here?" Sirius raised his eyebrow and smirked at lily who was sitting next to marlene.

" not the point, TELL US!" Lily yelled.

Sirius backed off, raising his hands and sitting on the couch with a smug smirk on his face.

" well. Guess who is going to azkaban for 6 months for unlawful use of the cruciatus curse and guess who else lost custody of their child for child abuse? Ah thats right, my parents. Ah thank you very much." Sirius said happily.

" damn ok. I guess that ball wasnt a COMPLETE disaster." Peter grunted.

" why what happened to you?" Remus asked.

Peter sighed dramatically and rest his elbows on his knees.

" ok so. I came without a date right? And i assumed my parents knew but apparently they didnt and they went ballistic on me because it was 'such a big deal' or some shit. So like halfway through when they were yelling at me in one of the rooms, they turned away for a sec so i turned into a rat and escaped."

" jesus. Was it that big of a deal?"lily asked.

" well apparently yeah because they kept telling me i need a wife! How am i supposed to get a wife when im literally attracted to no one? Its bullshit." Peter rolled his eyes.

" well. My parents meeting lily was a smashing success." Marlene cooed over lily who grinned shyly.

" ugh." James grimaced dramatically.

Marlene and lily snapped their heads to him and rose their eyebrows.

" all this couple shit is gonna make me throw up."

" you're just jealous because you cant do this with severus."

" shove off marlene, i so could if i wanted to!"

" and why dont you?" Marlene asked with an amused look.

James shifted and glared at her.

" ........severus doesnt like the gryffindor common room. He says its too red."

" pfft." Sirius and peter burst out laughing, making james give a death glare their way.

" shut up!" James hit sirius over the head, earning a small 'ow' from him.

" im sorry but 'its too red' is such a stupid excuse." Peter snorted.

" you're right. Severus just doesnt like it because Sirius sprays his cologne everywhere." Lily glared at sirius.

" oh please, you're the one that always complains!"

" well i wouldn't be complaining if you didn't have to spray it every two seconds!"

" oh yeah? Fine i wont spray it for a whole week, then you'll start to miss it." Sirius said crossing his arms.

Lily smiled triumphantly and pretended to think.

"Hmmmmm deal." She said smugly.

Remus leaned into his boyfriend and turned his head.

" you see how you just lost there right?"

" i am painfully aware of it now, yes." Sirius leaned his head back cautiously and pursed his lips.

Peter and lily continued to snicker at his antics when Marlene cut in.

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