Part 9

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" remus?"

" yes sirius?"

" is james okay?

"no he is not"

" remus?"

" yes peter?"

" what happened to him?"

" i don't know. He hasn't said a word since he got here and has been staring into space for an hour." Remus finally put down his quill and looked over at james.

He was laying down on the couch and staring at the ceiling without saying a word.

" its kinda creepy." Remus said and frowned.

" Prongs? Are you okay?" Peter asked worriedly.

" no. No im not." James whispered.

" well you got him to talk." Remus shrugged.

Peter looked back at him and knotted his eyebrows. Remus mouthed 'what?' and looked at sirius confused.

" james? Wanna tell us what has you in this creepy mummy position on the common room couch?" Sirius gestured to his elongated body.

James turned around and dug his head into the couch cushions. He let out a small scream into it that made everyone else jump and look at each other in worry.

" he kithed me." James voice muffled.

" so what if he kicked you? Boo hoo as long as you kicked him back its fine-"

" no not kicked, you dense fuck." James sat up and threw a pillow at sirius. Sirius caught it and looked at james expecting an explanation.

" he kissed me, KISSED me."

" hold up WHAT?" Remus' voice rang high. Sirius covered his ear and winced.

" jesus moony. So he got kissed, by who?" Sirius asked.

Peter, remus and james looked at him simultaneously with a mixture of confusion and a look that said 'are you fucking serious?'

" you know sometimes i wonder why you are my friend, and then i remember that if i wasnt you probably would be dead." Remus pinched the bridge of his nose.

" ok but that doesn't answer my question, who kissed you?"

" SEVERUS you buffoon!" James threw another pillow at him and he ducked.

When he came back into eyeline his eyes were wide and his mouth was open.


" WHO ELSE?" All three yelled at the same time.

" holy shit when?" Sirius sat down next to James ignoring the looks of disappointment.

James sighed and leaned back.

" we were at the lake. I was teasing him and vice versa when he made a joke about my ego."

" was it that it was bruised or that it was big?" Sirius asked.

" close, fragile-" james corrected. Sirius nodded and continued listening.

" anyway i pretended to be offended and said I wouldn't talk to him. Then all of a sudden he pulls my arm back and kisses me."

" aww thats kind of romantic isnt it?" Peter asked looking to remus who was listening intently.

" i know right? Who knew Severus Snape was such a romancer?"

" right?" Peter and remus agreed.

" GUYS! What do i do?" James asked.

" what do you mean what do you do, you kissed him back didnt you?" Remus said.

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