Part 2

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" ok so we know he is a slytherin."

" yes."

" he is 17."

" yes."

" he is prefect."

" wait since when?"

" since like 5th year, god james use your head!" Sirius smacked his head upside, earning him a punch in the stomach.

" ok stop. So he is a slytherin Prefect who is in his 7th year. He mostly hangs out with Malfoy, Regulus and Lily. His favorite color is black, kinda obvious. He doesn't like it when people do cringe cliche stuff, he knows how to waltz because he was taught it as a kid, he is a half blood, he is a potions prodigy, he is great at dueling, he boxes and swims, his favorite candy is sugar quills, he loves chocolate, that is a score if you ask me and following up on that, his favorite ice cream flavor is Chocolate. If there is no chocolate then coffee." Lupin ranted then looked up.

James and sirius were frozen, looking at him in suspicion.

" what? lily tells me things. Too bad you guys dont listen." Remus clicked his tongue and looked away, writing in his notebook again.

James shook his head and looked at sirius.

" oookayyyyy. nevermind that. Anyway any information on who will be asking who?"

Sirius nodded and grabbed a letter from his bag.

" slytherins right?"

" yep."

" ok. Lucius is taking Narcissa. Andromeda is being taken by Mulciber. Regulus is taking Lorelie Zabini, Tiberius Nott is taking his girlfriend, shes in ravenclaw."

" who is avery taking?"

Sirius shrugged as he looked down at the parchment.

" we don't know who avery is taking?"

" nope."

" damn. Well no way hes taking snape so i think were good."

Sirius nodded and put the letter away.

" hey when is our train coming?" Sirius asked remus.

" 8 am tomorrow morning."

" ahh well then children, i should get some beauty sleep. Good night." Sirius said while standing up and patting their heads.

" night padfoot."

" night sirius."


" oh my god sirius were gonna be LATE!"

" im coming im coming! Jesus christ will you chill?"

Sirius ran down the stairs with his trunk and school bag in hand. Remus smacked his head as he was running out the door and into Mr.Lupins car to go to kings cross station.

When we finally got there sirius made a fuss about it being too early and remus scolding them for making them late.

They found a compartment in the back that was thankfully empty and shuffled into it.

After they got situated, they were sprawled out on the two benches of the train compartment, tired already.

" hey where is wormtail?"

" oh he said hes sitting with Frank and Arthur. Apparently he got assigned a charms assignment with them and they are discussing it on the way." James answered sirius.

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