Part 19

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" what? Another one?" Sirius exasperated as james hushed him in the library.

" for godrics sake padfoot, quiet down!" James hit his arm. They were in the library at 11 pm because today most of the teachers were gone, so curfew was postponed to 1 am. He let out a silent "ow" and continued.

" seriously, another ex? Who is he? Hugh Hefner?"

" do not compare my boyfriend to Hugh Hefner please."

"Boyfriend?" Remus said behind him.

James jolted out of his seat as he flinched from remus' presence.

" what the fuck moony?"

" is he your boyfriend now?"

" where did you come from-"

" IS HE?" Remus grabbed his shoulders and shook him violently, like he was trying to shake the answer out of him.

" oh my god YES! Jesus!"

" boys!" Madam Pince said sternly.

Remus and james mumbled equally shitty apologies and remus sat down next to him excitedly.

" holy shit. When did this happen? Is that why you came into the common room today all happy?" Remus wiggled his eyebrows.

" ew moony." James pushed him off his arm and slapped his lightly on the arm.

" but seriously, when?"

" today."

" how?"

" they met severus' psycho ex and prongs told him he loves him."

" padfoot!" James whisper yelled at his best friend. Sirius smirked and stuck his tongue out at james.

" oh my god, so you told him first?"

James' face twisted and he shook his open hand.

" eh not exactly."

Remus' face turned confused and he raised an eyebrow.

" what do you mean not exactly?"

" well actually he told me when he was really drunk the night before the ball and the same night i told him i love you too but he was asleep so he didn't hear so-"

" so basically this your second time confessing to each other because you guys are stupid and you confess to each other while you are asleep and black out drunk?" Remus looked at james with disappointment.

James pursed his lips and looked at the table.

" yep." He nodded once and raised his eyebrows in the most oblivious way possible.

" god your both so dense."

" hey! It took padfoot 7 years to confess to you."

" well at least he didnt bully me for 6 years and then fall in love with me in the last month."

" eh your right." James waved his hand.

" hey where is he anyway? I didnt see him around the castle." Sirius asked.

" stalker much?"

" just answer the question would you?" Sirius squinted.

" fine. He went out to hogsmeade again to meet his cousi-"

" WHAT THE FUCK AVERY." The familiar voice of severus snape rang through the library.

" severus!" Madam pince scolded.

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