Part 13

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" JAMES WAKE UP!" Sirius yelled loudly.

" how the fuck is he not awake?"

Sirius flailed his arms in defeat and walked to James' bed and pulled open the curtains dramatically.

When he saw the scene in front of him his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

He smiled in surprise and swung around to remus.

" MOONY! There is severus in there."

Remus snapped his head back and looked at him confused.

" WHAT?"

" SEVERUS SNAPE IS IN HIS FUCKING BED!" Sirius yelled excitedly.

Remus ran across the room, tripping over a few things and ran into sirius' shoulder, grabbing onto it and looking through the curtain.

" holy fucking shit." He cursed.

James and severus then began to stir and the pair quickly let go of the curtain and ran to the other side of the room, trying to look natural and undoubtedly failing.

James was the first to wake and realized that Silencio was still on, so he grabbed his wand and took it off.

He stood up from his bed, opening the side curtain and stretching his body. He yawned and looked around, spotting the suspicious looking pair standing by the corner.

He quickly threw the curtains back together and looked at the two who was trying to look as natural as possible.

" so........"

" so did you and sev fuck or-?"

Remus hit sirius in the chest and he coughed like he had the wind knocked out of his chest.

" dont ask a question like that up front! Now he wont tell us!"

" we're his best friends! Who else would he fucking tell?"

" still! Its better to let them tell us than force it out you fucking dumbass!"

" oi! Is that how you talk to your boyfriend?"

" wait boy friend?" James asked.

The two looked at him and froze. They laughed nervously and pursed their lips, remus hitting sirius over the head and sirius rubbing the back of his neck.

" so.......we're dating." Remus said, taking in a sharp breath, nervously waiting for james' reaction.

James bit his top lip and nodded.

" were you ready to tell me?"

" not a chance."

" i pretend you didn't tell me until you're ready and you ignore the guy in my bed?"

" deal. Sirius lets go."

" aw but i want to know if they fucked-"

" have some respect jesus! Lets go!" Remus said, pulling away his boyfriend.

" oh and ill tell peter not to come up here. We'll be at breakfast." Remus said one last time before fleeing the room, pushing sirius in front of him.

James sighed and cringed.

" fuck."

James spun around as the now awake severus cursed under his breath, obviously feeling the full affect of his hangover.

James walked over to the water pitcher and poured a glass of water into a cup. Remus had them get a muggle water pitcher because apparently asking the house elves for water at 3 am is rude and disorganized.

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