The Librarians and the Twisted Fairytales

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In the Librarians and the Twisted Fairytales, the city of Duluth, Minnesota, a girl is found in a locked tower. The librarians must get into the tower and stop "Rapunzel" from telling her fairytales of doom. Emma tags along because of her love for fairytales. The girls have a girls night and Cassandra discovers who the black ninja is and can't tell anyone else.


"This is fun. We should have more girls nights." Mackenzie said and all the girls laughed. They were at a karaoke bar, dancing and singing.

"What happened to your leg? You're limping." Eve said and Mackenzie glanced down at her leg. She was in pain. She brushed her hair and it slipped.

"Hey, your hair is slipping out." Emma said and Cassandra rushed to fix it. She had her own theory and this was the perfect opportunity to get what she needed. She moved Mackenzie's hair and "by accidentally" pulled a strand out. Mackenzie's hand moved to her head and scratched the spot.

"Cassandra, what are you doing back there. Taking her hair." Eve said jokingly. All the firms laughed at Cassandra fixed Mackenzie's hair, slipping the few strands of hair in her bag.

"You guys are funny." Cassandra said, laughing.

"It's okay Cassie. It actually made my leg feel a little better. The pain transition." Mackenzie said.

"Well, if you need anything, we girls are here to help. I can't believe I am officially a citizen of the United States now." Emma said and they clinked glasses. They all downed their drinks, even if it was just water.

"This is great, we should do this more often. But I have to go, I told Cody I'd meet him at a restaurant for a late dinner. See you guys later." Cassandra said, leaving the table and the bar. She got in her car and drove to the library, unlocking the doors and opening her way into the library's main room. She walked into her lab and compared the two hairs. "Oh. My. God." Cassandra said, dropping her glass of water on the floor.


The Next Day


"Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, lived a group of librarians. And things were about to change in their lives. The librarians help people and protect them from magic, while the evil Serpent Brotherhood wanted to give the people the magic.

"These are my stories. This is my magic. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, a tall brunette, who was going to a castle to save her father. She went inside the castle and..."

She didn't know what had suddenly come over her. She was just walking, and the police station in front of her turned into a castle. She had come to bail her father out of jail, but now, something was different.

"Bailey, are you here for your father," one of the officers said, but the girl, Bailey, didn't hear that, only hear "Belle."

Bailey ignored the officer, pushing past him. Bailey went to the cell her father was in. "Me for him." she said.

"Bailey, what is wrong with you?" Bailey's father said. Bailey shook her head, nodding.

"I don't understand father." Bailey said.

"I don't either, what's wrong with my daughter. She's acting like she's from the 16th century." Bailey's father said. "Call an ambulance. Something is wrong with her." Bailey fell to the floor. Her father helped her up.

"What happened? I just came to you to bail you out for speeding one to many times." Bailey said, forgetting what had just occurred. 


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