The Librarians and the Tell-Tale Curse

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In The Librarians and the Tell-Tale Curse, Taking a mission that was originally started by Jenkins, Jake and Ezekiel go hunting for a librarian killer, before the killer kills them, but they are shocked at the killer's most recent action.


Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (August, 1893)

"Тэр надад дээр байна. Judson, би түүнд хайртай Elizabeth хэлж байна." A man put into the telegram. He finished telling the message to the device in his pocket and put it away, knowing that Judson would get the message he was sending.

Turning around the man began walking down the street. After glimpsing around and making sure that nobody was in sight, the man opened a door on the street and headed up the building.

"Гайхах, хонгор минь номын санч гайхах." Another man's voice said from behind him. The first man turned to face him. "Бид найрсаг ноён Amidala мартаж санал болгож байна."

"Бид уулзаж байсан бүх цаг нь бид зохих ёсоор танилцуулсан хэзээ ч байгаагүй. Энэ нь магадгүй бид бие биенээ харах болно сүүлчийн удаа биш юм оноос хойш ч, би энэ нь хамаагүй гэж бодож байна." Amidala fought back.

"Та Amidala буруу хаана байгаа юм. Энэ бол харамсалтай нь бидний сүүлчийн учрал байх болно. Эцэст нь хэлэхэд, бидний нэг нь хол явах ёстой. Мөн бусад нас барсан байна."

The second man drew a sword from a holster. Before Amidala could even move, the second man stabbed him. He gasped as the other man took the sword out of him, and he gripped at his wound, stumbling backwards towards a table behind him.

"Баяртай, номын." The second man said, and he put his sword back in its holster, leaving the building and Amidala to die.



"Jeez Cassandra, I know I'm trying to be a better person, but seriously, do you have to blow into that thing. I mean, come on, it's not even Midnight yet." Ezekiel said, and Cassandra frowned, and removed the noise maker from her mouth. She rolled her eyes at him.


Cassandra did, this time holding it out. She walked away, her heels clicking against the linoleum tile flooring. A moment later, Jake walked into the room.

"Hey Jones, do you have those papers that I asked you to hold onto. I need to use them for a minute." Jake said, searching his desk and riffling through papers on his desk, and then, grabbing a map off of it and moving to the table in the middle of the room.

" never told me what those papers were about. What are they?" Ezekiel asked.

"Well, Judson has me working on this special little project since Jenkins..." He began, but tailed off once he saw Alex and James enter the room. Ezekiel's gave followed and landed on them. He turned back to Jenkins and signaled him, and the two walked out of the room.

"We eventually have to be able to mention his name in front of her without her crying."

"Ezekiel, don't get me wrong, I like leaving the room as much as you do to talk about this, but the only way I can really describe Alex right broken. And I don't think right now, so soon after, is the best time to put the pieces back together. Besides, she has a right to her own feelings." Jake finished, and Ezekiel nodded.

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