The Librarians and the Threads of Time

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Photo Above: Alex Pendragon (Kelli Berglund) confused about the decision she has to make.

In the 3rd season finale, Alex is faced with a huge choice. With the doors of Camelot open again, will Alex choose her new life in New York, with the librarians and James, or, will she and her family return to Camelot, and be cut off from this dimension forever, never to see the librarians or James again.


Previously on The Librarians and the Search for Magic

She wasn't looking for mercy. She wasn't hoping her mother would change her mind. It was going to happen anyways, prolonging the inevitable just seemed futile and more painful.

Not necessarily more painful for her physically. But emotionally. To have her family see her suffer. She could not allow another person to die for her.

"I forgive you. You know. For all your trespasses against me." Alex told Guinevere. "I hope you forgive me too." She said.

"Fellon Goneth." Guinevere. Not a tear shed from Guinevere's eyes shed as she said this. No hint of any love once being there. No goodbye, not anything. Alex closed her eyes, waiting to die. Her eyes closed and she lifted them slightly to see Lamia go at her mother and a bright red bolt in front of her eyes. She didn't bother shutting them again, her eyes would be open after she fell to the ground anyways. But she saw something else first. Lamia shoved a knife quickly in and out of her mother's chest. Then the world went black.


And Now...

"What the...Am I dead?" Alex yelled. The whole Universe was white, and currently the 15 year old was freaking out, as she couldn't see any color, with the exception of herself.

"You're not. But I am." A voice called out from behind her. Alex spun on her heels. And old man with white hair was walking towards her. The man was wearing a suit, and he looked very, very familiar. Alex's pupils widened with shock.

"Jenkins!" The girl shouted, running towards him.

"In the flesh...well, not really. I mean, we are in a form of limbo I guess." Jenkins said, and Alex looked around there world, which was covered in white.

"What do you mean by limbo?" Alex asked.

"Well you see, you decided to give yourself up so the librarians could kill your mother. Your love-in a way-saved them all. When your mother fired the killing curse at you, Lamia dived forward. She was able to kill your mother before the curse hit you. Oh, the curse hit you all right. But because of the prophecy, and only one of you could kill the other, you technically gave Lamia a little love. So she was successful, and your mother died first. So, you're alive."

"So I'm stuck in limbo because I'm half-dead and half-alive. Great!" Alex said, the sarcasm obvious in her voice.

"Don't be sassy young lady!" Jenkins said, and when he had his head turned, Alex rolled her eyes at him. "I saw that Alexandria Maura Pendragon."

Alex threw her hands up in the air. Then she lowered her arms and threw them around Jenkins. He still smelled like peppermint and clean grass. Old habits die hard. Although, she smelt a new scent around it all. "Is that cloves?" Alex asked, and Jenkins chuckled.

"Remember my wife, Lady Claudia. She's in Heaven. She was quite troubled when she heard I was coming down to go see you. She said you were too young to die. And I quite agree."

"I'm going back Jenkins." Alex said, and he wiped fake sweat from his dry forehead.

"Thank God." Jenkins said, and they squeezed in tighter.

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