The Librarians and the Curse of the Mummy

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Just a little heads up, I'm not a big fan of Ancient Egypt and mummies, I couldn't sleep for three months after seeing the movie The Mummy, so yeah, this is an uncomfortable topic for me, so if it's not my usual quality work, just be okay with that. Please.

In The Librarians and the Curse of the Mummy, the librarians (except the Pendragon's and James) are cursed after visiting the Tomb of Cleopatra and taking her crown. Also, Flynn runs into one of his old college enemies, and Jenkins confronts Arthur.


"Damn it Landry. I told you that I needed those permit papers on my desk by one. If those papers aren't on my desk in half an hour, you're fired!" Dr. Marcus yelled into the phone. She slammed the phone down on her desk, and walked out of her tent, and looked at the pyramids in front of her. She couldn't wait to get inside of them.

"What am I going to do with that girl?" Dr. Marcus shouted, and she looked at the pyramids when she noticed something at her feet. She reached for a brush that she kept on her and she brushed away at the markings on the grounds. Marcus smiled to herself.

Grabbing her phone nervously, she hit the number on speed dial and raised it to her ear. Voicemail, again. "Landry, its Danielle. I'm going to need another permit. I think I've found something." Dr. Marcus said, and she glanced at the ground beneath her. "We've hit the jackpot!" She said, hanging up the phone.


"The Egyptian Book of the Dead!" Flynn said, dropping an ancient text on the main table. The Librarians all turned to face the direction of the noise, seeing Flynn and the book on the table.

"Resurrecting mummies are we?" Eve asked, walking over to Flynn. Eve tried to open the book, but before she could, Flynn snatched it away from her, and she looked confused. Jenkins walked in the room and took the book from Flynn, placing it on his desk.

"Thank you for doing me that favor Mr. Carsen." Jenkins said, pausing. "And Colonel, I would suggest that you not open the Book of the Dead, unless..." He paused again, glancing at Jake and Cassandra, who had turned away and were having their own conversation.

"I catch your drift." Eve said, and she turned to Flynn. "So. Shall we check the clippings book?"

"You and I aren't going just yet." Flynn said. "Jones, Murphy, Stone. Clippings book. Eve and I will be there to join you in a few minutes." Flynn said, and the others went to the book.

"What are we doing?" Eve said, and Flynn pulled her hand along. "We're going to Egypt, aren't we?" Eve said. Flynn was sprinting around the Egyptian room. Flynn was running around, grabbing medallions and even the Emerald of Cleopatra.

"Isn't this exciting? This archaeologist thinks she's found the tomb of Cleopatra. I'm out of my mind!" Flynn said, grabbing things off the walls right and left. Eve rolled her eyes at him, and he stopped, looking at her. "Look, I know you don't get excited about Egypt like I do, but you're my wife. You could at least show a little interest in what I like."

"I show interest in the things that you like." Eve said, and Flynn crossed his arms over his chest. "Okay, maybe not, and maybe I could use to make a better effort at that, but give me a little leeway here. I don't know that much about Egypt."

Flynn dashed around the room, grabbing more objects and ignoring Eve as she spoke. "Okay, I think I'm good. I have enough to show Danielle that I'm smarter than her." Flynn said, grabbing his bag, and Eve stood in the room alone after Flynn took off.

"Danielle? Danielle who?" Eve yelled. "Flynn!" She yelled, chasing after him. "Flynn!"


"Oh no!" Cassandra said.

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