The Librarians and the Phantom of the Opera

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Little bit of a warning, this part may be a little...creepy to say the least. Enjoy!

With Cassandra back and everything back to as normal as it can get at the library, the librarians travel to an opera house to see a show, but when members of the audience are dying during the show, the librarians must act quickly to save everyone in The Librarians and the Phantom of the Opera.


"Ticket?" An usher asked, and the gentleman quickly passed his ticket to the usher, sweeping his hand through his hair. The usher glanced over the man's ticket. "Up these stairs all the way and box 6 is on the left." He said, and the man took his ticket back, heading up the stairs.

The Phantom of the Opera was widely respected, and as a Broadway lover, the man had waited for tickets to finally be on sale. He walked up the steps to the balcony he had bought out for himself, sitting in one of the red plush chairs as the lights flickered and turned off, as the show began, the light shining on a mechanized clapping monkey.

As the show continued on, the man felt more entranced. The man felt as if he were in the play.

The lights came on for intermission, and then came a scream. The man looked down to the source of the noise, to see a teenage girl pointing at the balcony across from him.

A family was hanging from a set of nooses, all have a letter that was with the seal of the Phantom of the Opera. The man tried to get a closer look, but couldn't move forward, as his neck was being caught. He was lucky that his neck snapped quickly.


The Librarians and the Phantom of the Opera


The sun began to rise over Portland, Oregon as it always did, slowly, as the day came to life. Bree Ketterdam shielded her eyes from the sun as she gave her other hand to Alex to pull her back up. The girls were using the areas around the annex in Portland to work on Bree's recently discovered abilities of an earth elemental.

"That wasn't too bad, was it?" Bree asked, looking to Alex for advice, and Alex shook her head.

"You landed on your butt because I told you to contain your power to a 30 degree angle." Alex said, and Bree rubbed her hand at her temples, trying to calm down.

Bree took the hair tie from her hand and quickly put her hair up into a messy bun. "I got close."

"You got to about a 70 degree angle, and I could see your steps faltering the smaller the angle you got." Alex paused. "Bree, you have all the power, your problem is that you need to control all of that unruly power. Raw power is hard to control, I get it. My powers aren't easy to control. I've just had a lot more practice than you've had. Like, a thousand years more."

"I just thought that it wouldn't be this difficult you know. In the movies--" Bree started, but Alex cut her words off. "The movies are dramatic and people seem to not get that fact of how wrong they are." Alex said, grabbing Bree's arm and transporting them into the annex. The girls strolled through the back door and into the main library.

"How did training go today girls?" Jenkins asked as Alex handed him her coat.

"Excellent. She's making progress." Alex said at the same time that Bree said, "Horrible."

"Well, at least you don't have to go through documents to prove that you're not dead, and why you 'faked' your death. I died. Seriously Jenkins, I don't know how you did it." Cassandra whined, setting her papers aside. "I don't know what's worse, that or divorce papers."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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