The Librarians and the Island of Dreams

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In The Librarians and the Island of Dreams, the clippings book sends the librarians minus Cassandra to a beautiful tropical island off the coast of Brazil, where the sea is luring in men, who soon disappear, only to have their dead bodies wash up to shore. Cassandra receives information when Alex is "babysitting" her at the library.


"Just call me back when you get this Michael. I can't find you anywhere, and I'm getting worried. Becky and Charlotte are worried to. Come on back to the hotel, I'm sorry about the fight we had last night, but this is a family vacation. We need to put our fighting aside so the girls can have a good time. I love you. Call me." A woman said, hitting the end button on her phone yet again. This was the third time she called and still no answer.

"Mom." A teenage girl said, popping into her mother's room. She looked at her distressed mother, who was tearing up on her bed. "Answer me." She said when her mother didn't reply.

"I'm sorry Becky. I was just packing some extra sunscreen for our family beach walk. Tell your little sister she needs to get ready. And hopefully your father will remember to show up today." She said, trying not to spread her worry for her husband onto her daughter.

"The hotel called. They found Dad." Becky said, breaking down crying. The mother held her daughter. Becky tried to wipe her tears away and be the brave one. "Charlotte answered the phone. What she heard was not for a six year old's ears. Mom, they found Dad in pieces along the shore. I'm sorry Mom, he's gone."

"No he's not. Don't be silly Rebecca Anne." Her Mom said in denial.

"Mom, he's gone. Don't you get it!?" Becky shouted, shaking her mother. The women broke down crying. Charlotte wondered into the room, her teddy bear dragging on the ground behind her. She was holding the last thing her Father ever gave her.


The Librarians and the Island of Dreams


Cassandra stood up and ran over to the librarians when they walked in through the back door. "How was it? Was it fun? Do you have any cool artifacts?" She said, sounding jumpy. For how she longed to be working, but the library sent her a letter to take a medical leave.

"It was the usual. We defeated the bad guys. The world has been saved. But, we do have some pretty cool things. We went into a convenience store and bought one of those pen that lights up when you write. We got it for you as a souvenir." Flynn said, making Cassandra frown.

"Well, that's disappointing." Cassandra remarked, sitting back down in her seat. "I'm sorry I'm so off. I get like this when I'm not doing anything. I just feel useless."

"Don't feel like that Cassandra. We barely made it out alive." Ezekiel said. "It was so much fun, these things came out of nowhere. I tell you Cassandra, zombies are the best, and..." He trailed off when he saw the sadness on her face.

"It wasn't that big of a deal Cassandra, you didn't miss much, I promise." Jake said, trying to comfort the petite red head, but it was only making her more upset.

The clippings book was flipping around on top of Jenkins's old desk. Besides the clippings book, the desk remained untouched, but still, after he died, the library had magically cleaned out the desk, much to the librarians dismay. Eve ran over and got the book, not daring to touch anything else on the desk. She hurried back over to the librarians, and opened the book.

"This is weird. Two in one day. Oh God, it's all obituaries, all men of different ages, the youngest being a twelve year old boy. We need to get to this island." Eve said.

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