Chapter 42 - Spot

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Warnings: Betrayal, ignoring people, bullying, physical abuse
Third Person POV

Well, it's a lot more complicated than that.

Weasel, somehow, fostered Race.

And Medda is trying to adopt Race.

And now he won't talk to the Newsies.

They try to talk to him at school, but he just ignore them.

He stays with Oscar and Morris most of the time.

And it's crushing all of them.

Spot's flashbacks

"Race! Why are you with them?" Jack shouts to Race, who was stood with Oscar and Morris.

Spot watches as Oscar whispers something to Race, who turns on his heel and leaves without a word.


Albert grabs Race's wrist, stopping him from walking away. "Why are you ignoring us?"

Race pulls his hand out of Albert's grip. "I have to get to class."

Race starts walking off, but Spot's helpless voice stops him. "Race! Please just talk to us! What happened?! Why won't you talk to us?!"

Race turns around, but catches a glimpse of someone behind Spot and Albert.

He clutches his books to his chest, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. Leave me alone."

Albert and Spot stand there, helpless, as they watch Race walk off.


Albert, Spot, Finch, and Blink run towards JoJo, Oscar, and Morris.

Blink and Albert pull Oscar and Morris off and away from JoJo, while Finch checks how he is.

JoJo was bleeding, crying, and his leg was twisted weirdly.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm gonna bring you to Mike, okay?" Finch asks JoJo, who nods.

Finch puts a hand under JoJo's legs and his other behind JoJo's back, picking JoJo up.

He runs down the hallway to the schoolyard, with JoJo in his arms.

Oscar and Morris smirk at each other.

"Why won't you leave us alone?!" Albert shouts, as Blink holds him back from attacking Oscar and Morris.

Morris gets in Albert's face. "You stupid 'Newsies'," Morris mocks the name. "Deserve nothing other than the suffering you've gotten."

"It's no wonder 'Race' is ignoring you." Oscar snickers. "He's ashamed that he's your friend and soulmate."

Oscar eyes Spot, who clenches his fists. "Race would never do that."

"Then why is he ignoring you?" Morris questions.

Spot freezes. They have a good point. Race is ignoring us and we don't know why.

"Race would never do that. He's our brother and he always has been." Blink tells Morris, sticking his finger in Morris' chest. "When we figure out what you did to him, you're gonna want to be farther away from us than Santa Fe is."

"Scram." Albert commands them.

Oscar and Morris share a look, before running off in the opposite direction that JoJo and Finch had gone.

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