Chapter 35 - Boots

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How Boots and Red met :) I like this chapter
Third Person POV

Boots was doing homework, more specifically Math homework, or trying at least.

He was trying to see how much he could do, correctly, before he gave up and asked Race for help on the homework.

Race was pretty good at Math, and all of the boys knew that. Sure, he needed help sometimes, but everyone did. Plus, he was in Math Honors, and had been since 6th grade.

Boots, however, was not in Math Honors, though he, like Race, was in Science Honors.

Boots eyes trail to a picture farther away from him on his desk. He tries to stop looking at it, but his eyes keep going back to it.

It was of his parents, with him in it. He hated his parents, like most of the Newsies, but he still wished he could've had good parents. Either way, he loved the Newsies, they were the best family.

Boots holds his head as a headache comes on really quickly, and it hurt, a lot.

Stupid parents- stupid headaches, Boots curses in his head, as he continues to try to work on his Math. He glares at it, giving up. Stupid math.

'I agree' A voice is Boots' head states. His headache immediately went away, as he jumped up.

He ran out of his room, to the living room where Smalls, Sniper, Mike, and Ike were playing Mario Cart.

"Give up yet?" Smalls questions, not looking at Boots. Boots glares at her.

"Someone just spoke to me in my head!" Boots exclaims, really confused. The voice speaks up again, 'that's me'. Boots almost screams.

Smalls and Ike burst out laughing, as Mike giggles a little bit.

Sniper gets up, walking over to Boots. She takes his hands in her own hands, grinning at him.
"That's your soulmate! You have the Telepathy connection!"

"Oh my God- I have a soulmate!" Boots exclaims, grinning as he jumps up and down with Sniper, who was still grinning as well. "That's great, but I'll talk to them later, since I need help."

"I was right, give me a dollar Ike" Smalls tells Ike, who groans, taking a dollar out of his pocket and handing it to Smalls.

"What?" Boots questions, as Mike and Sniper giggle quietly at Ike and Smalls.

"Ike and I made a bet, 'when will Boots quit and ask Race for help?' I said twenty minutes, Ike said forty, since you're stubborn" Smalls exclaims. Boots rolls his eyes.

"Dumb short people" Boots mumbles. Smalls glares at him as he walks back into the room he shares with JoJo.

Boots calls Race, and shows him his paper.
"Boots, you got all of the ones you did wrong."

Boots groans, as Jack has to stifle a laugh from behind Race. "Just explain please."

"Okay, Problem One," Race starts, going on to explain.

When Boots and Race were done

"There you go! You did it! Nice job B!" Race exclaims. Boots weakly smiles at him, his headache had come back and it hurt.

"Now go get some rest. You look like you're in pain" Jack tells Boots, who nod. He had told them about what happened and how his head hurt, but they could see that it hurt more than he was letting on.

Boots hung up the call, climbing into his bed. He shared a bunk with JoJo in their room, that they shared with Tommy boy.

Sniper and Smalls shared a room, and the twins also shared a room.

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