Chapter 19 - Blink

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Third Person POV

Louis Baletti, or Kid Blink, also known as Blink, was a happy kid. Sure, he had a little bit of anxiety at times, but he had mostly gotten over that.

Mush was Blink's best friend, or so Mush thought. Blink had had a crush on Mush for as long as he could remember, but he knew Mush didn't have one on him, and there was little chance that they were soulmates.

When Mush called him, Blink immediately knew something was wrong. Firstly, it's 12:31, so like, really late.

Secondly, Mush almost never calls him. Thirdly, he could hear the pain and the fact that he had been crying in his voice.

It worried Blink to hear Mush like this. He knew it must've been something about his home life, which Blink had just learned about earlier in the evening.

Blink jumped up as soon as Mush called, and grabbed a blanket that Mush liked, a box of chocolates, and hot coco mix.

When he hung up with Mush, he immediately called Jack.

"Jack!" Blink exclaims, and he hears Jack groan on the other side of the line.

"Blink. What do you need? It's 12 something. Shouldn't you be asleep?" Jack questions, getting annoyed.

"Do you think I would call you this late just to annoy you and not if something is wrong?" Blink closing, and locking, his front door, and putting the keys in his pocket.

"Albert, Race, and JoJo do" Jack mumbles from the other side of the phone. Blink can hear the grogginess and tiredness in his voice.

"As you might be able to tell, I'm not Albert, Race, or JoJo" Blink responds, starting his walk to Mush's house.

"Okay, okay. Anyway, what do you need?" Jack asks him, rolling over onto his back, on his bunk.

"Mush just called me, crying" Blink answers Jack, who's eyes widen.

"What? Why?" Jack asks, sounding more awake and alert.

"I'm not sure, but if something happens, I may need your help. I think this has something to do with his home life" Blink explains, and Jack stays silent. Jack nods, forgetting that Blink can't see him.

"Oop, sorry. I just nodded forgetting you can't see me." Jack states, and the two boys lightly laugh. "If you do need something, call me. I'll leave my ringer on high, and I'll be there fast if you do."

"Alright, thanks Jack" Blink thanks.

"No problem, keep me updated, and get some sleep. Both of you" Jack tells Blink, who nods.

"We will" Blink assures him, before hanging up.

Blink makes it to the house not much later, and opens the door.
"Mush?" He calls, turning on a light.

"In here!" Mush calls from his room. Blink frowns at the pain in his voice.

Blink walks to where Mush's voice came from, and opens the door. He finds Mush leaning back against the wall, holding his two arms, which are bloody.

"Mush!" Blink exclaims, running over to him.

Mush's face is all red, and his eyes are red and puffy. His eyes also have the glossy look that shows if you've been crying or are crying.

"Blink" Mush breathes, looking relieved.

"When did you start harming yourself?" Blink asks, grabbing bandages from Mush's bathroom.

"A y-year a-ago, when m-my grandma d-died. It s-started o-out not horrible" Mush explains, and Blink sighs, before remembering something.

"A year ago?" Blink asks, looking at his arm. His soulmate had a lot of scars on his arm that had appeared a year ago, and looked like self harming.

"Y-Yeah" Mush confirms, looking down.

Blink goes back over to him, grinning. Mush tilts his head in confusion at why Blink was grinning.

"What?" Mush asks. Blink shows Mush his arm, and Mush's eyes widen in shock.

"We're soulmates. These started appearing a year ago!" Blink exclaims, explaining why he is grinning.

"You draw swirls on your arm in class?" Mush asks, and Blink nods.

"That's me!" Blink laughs.

Mush looks at his lap, and starts crying more, but now, he's smiling.

"Why are you crying baby?" Blink asks, sitting next to Mush. Mush looks up at him, still smiling.

"Because, someone in this world loves me still, and I never thought you would be my soulmate. Nobody really gets their crush as their soulmate" Mush explains, feeling grateful.

"You're crushing on me?" Blink asks, and Mush nods. "My crush likes me!" Blink exclaims, jumping up.

"You're crushing on me?" Mush asks, and Blink nods.

"Now we have to get those cleaned up" Blink states, pointing to Mush's cuts. Mush nods.

After cleaning the cuts

"Blink?" Mush asks, and Blink looks at him.

"Yeah?" Blink responds.

"They're gonna take the house away from me, then I'll be living on the streets" Mush whispers, and Blink shakes his head.

"Live with me. It gets lonely being alone all the time, and you are my soulmate" Blink tells him, smiling. Mush smiles back.

"I'd like that" Mush agrees, and Blink grins.

"We should go to sleep, or Jack will have our heads" Blink points out, and the two boys laugh. They loved Jack like a brother, but he was very overprotective. Probably because he is the oldest of the group.

"Yeah" Mush agrees. Blink grabs the blanket that he brought, and Mush grabs his blanket.

They both lay down next to each other, the blankets covering them. Blink puts his arm around Mush, as Mush snuggles his head into Blink's chest.

Before they fall asleep, Mush speaks up one more time.

"Yeah Mush?" Blink replies, tired, but nevertheless happy.

"Thanks for everything. You're the best soulmate ever, and we've only known we're soulmates for maybe an hour" Mush tells him. Blink can hear the grogginess in Mush's voice. Blink chuckles.

"No problem. Love you Mushy" Blink says.

Mush smiles.
"Love you Blinky."

They both fall asleep like that, smiles on their faces. Both of them happy that they finally found their soulmate, and that their crushes are their soulmates. It doesn't feel realistic for that to happen, but they're happy it did.

1022 Words

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