Chapter 14 - Albert

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Mentions of bullying
Third Person POV

Elmer came into school the next day, looking tired, angry, and sad.

His anger only got worse when he saw Oscar and Morris in the lobby of the school.

Without saying 'hi' to the Newsies, he went over to them, and grabbed Oscar by his shirt collar. All of them watched in shock.

"Listen here, Delancey. You can bully me all you like, but if you go near my siblings, you are gonna regret it" Elmer snarls. Oscar smirks, pulling away from Elmer.

"Siblings?" Jack whispers to Albert, looking confused. Albert nods.

"Found out yesterday," Albert whispers back. "He's the oldest of 8."

Jack nods, still a little shocked.

"Are you a parentless freak like your sister?" Morris sneers, as Oscar snickers. The Newsies' jaws drop.

"We're not freaks! Just because someone doesn't have parents doesn't mean you should bully them for it! My parents are dead! I take care of my 7 siblings alone! How much do you do?!" Elmer shouts. Morris looks taken aback. "You don't do anything, other than bully people. Don't act like you know what this is like."

Elmer walks away from Oscar and Morris, who are staring at him in shock.

A fear tears slip down Elmer's face, as he looks at the Newsies.

"Elmer-" Race, Jack, and Albert start, but are cut off.

"Don't. You think I'm a freak now too. My soulmate and best friends hate me. Leave me alone" Elmer stops them, before running off crying.

"We don't hate him" Crutchie whispers, looking heartbroken for Elmer.

"Newsies, split up, let's go find him. In teams, and text if you do and where you are. Got it?" Jack asks. Everyone nods, before running off.

Race, Albert, and Spot go together. Jack and Davey go together. Crutchie and Finch go together. Specs and Romeo go together. Blink and Mush go together. Mike and Ike go together. JoJo and Buttons. Henry, Boots, and Tommy boy. Sniper and Smalls go together.

They all split up. Race, Spot, and Albert go to where most Newsies go when they need to be alone, the abandoned bathroom.

When they get there, they walk in to hear crying coming from the corner of the bathroom.

"Elmer? El?" Albert calls. He hears sniffling from the back of the room.

"Elmer? Whose Elmer? Elmer's not here" Elmer's voice responds from the back of the bathroom.

Spot, Race, and Albert lightly chuckle at him.

"El, where did you think that was gonna get you?" Race asks, slightly amused.

"It works on my siblings" Elmer mumbles, arms crossed.

"Incase you ain't figured it out yet, we're not your siblings" Spot reminds him. Elmer just shrugs.

"Aw shucky darn" Elmer mumbles, causing the other three boys to chuckle a little, as Albert bends down to Elmer's level.

"El, what happened? Talk to us" Albert pleads. Spot pulls out his phone, and texts the group chat about Elmer.

"D-Don't Al. Don't pretend t-that you s-still l-like me, a-and want t-to b-be my friend. Y-You just feel like y-you s-should care c-cause your m-my... m-my..." Elmer starts, but can't continue because he starts crying harder.

Jack, Davey, JoJo, Henry, Buttons, Tommy boy, and Boots run in as Albert takes Elmer's hand.

"El. I don't think you're a burden that I have to take care of just because I'm your soulmate. I liked you even before we figured out that we were soulmates" Albert explains, turning a little red in the process. Elmer looks up at him.

Elmer's face was wet from tears, and his eyes were red and puffy, with a glossy look from the tears in them.

"P-Promise?" Elmer questions. Albert can see the hope and relief in his eyes.

"Promise" Albert promises, kissing him. Elmer's eyes widen in shock, but he kisses back. The Newsies in the room start cheering as more walk in, and cheer as well.

A few minutes later

Race, JoJo, and Crutchie were sitting on the floor, talking with Elmer, while Davey, Albert, Spot, and Jack were talking together, leaning against the wall of the bathroom.

"When did you two find out?" Jack asks Albert, slightly curious.

"Yesterday, I saw him walking with three of his siblings, the youngest ones," Albert explains, then looks down, "I now know how you felt when Davey ran from you, as Elmer ran from me, with his siblings, when he found out."

"Sorry!" Davey exclaims, hugging Jack. The apology was meant for both Jack and Albert. Jack chuckles, ruffling Davey's hair, as Davey swats his hands away in a protest.

"Don't forget, mine did the same, and still doesn't trust me" Spot huffs. Jack pats his back.

"Sorry Spot. He will soon. Plus, I'm pretty sure he doesn't trust any of us right now" Jack promises. Spot nods, subtly glancing over at Race.

"Let's ask Elmer about his home life" Davey suggests, and the other three boys nod.

"Hey El, mind telling us about your home life?" Jack asks him, as most of the Newsies gather around.

"Y-Yeah." Elmer stutters, looking at the ground. "My parents got in a car accident, with my littlest brother, Ezra, when they were driving home from the hospital where Ezra was born. The other driver and my parents were killed, and Ezra, somehow, thankfully survived. I'm the oldest of 8 kids, and have been taking care of them, alone, ever since. My siblings help me, and they do go to school and daycare, but it's hard."

"You know we can help you if you need it?" Crutchie reminds Elmer, who nods.

"You didn't have to hide this" JoJo tells him, he shrugs.

"I thought you guys would hate me" Elmer admits, whispering.

"Why would you think that?" Specs asks, getting concerned at why both Elmer and Race think that.

"We would never hate you!" Finch assures him, as the boys chorus agreements.

"We're your brothers! Blood or not!" Tommy boy continues. More agreements from the other boys are heard too.

"And your soulmate" Albert adds, winking at Elmer, causing him to blush. Elmer and a few other boys laugh.

"Smooth Al, real smooth" Race states, laughing a bit. Albert playfully shoved him, careful not to hurt him.

For all of the boys, it felt nice seeing Race and Elmer laugh.

"If you ever need help, tell us, okay Elmer?" Mush asks. Elmer nods.

"Maybe sometime soon you can meet my siblings" Elmer suggests, smiling at the thought.

"How crazy are they?" Jack asks, the tiniest bit scared and a little bit skeptical.

"Can't be crazier than us" Mike points out, causing some people to laugh.

"Not too bad, really helpful actually. Eden and Eddie, who are twins, are pretty crazy, and so is Elijah" Elmer explains. Mike and Ike's faces light up at the mention of twins.

"Twins!" They shout, high-fiving each other.

"Come on, we best be heading to class now."

1180 Words
Thanks to Izzythedemigod for their kind words. They made me feel a little better.

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