Chapter 3 - Jack

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Warning: Minor Bullying
Third Person POV

Jack walked into journalism class the next day to find no one in the class.

This wasn't a surprise to him, since he usually was the first one in the class, especially when journalism was first period.

Jack was actually wondering why they called it journalism, when they just did the newspaper.

There was a different class that his friend, Katherine, is in, called 'The Futures Writers Class', that sometimes wrote for the paper.

His thoughts were interrupted when his friends started walking in. Specs and Romeo, who were usually the second and third people to get there, walked in first, not surprised to find Jack there.

Crutchie and the new kid, Davey, were again the last people to get to the class. It wasn't unusual for Crutchie to be last, though.

Jack had noticed that Davey was a pretty quiet and shy kid. He was a good kid, and very smart as well. There was something about him that put butterflies in Jack's stomach.

Jack shook it off, and the group got to work on the paper. There was supposed to be a new one out every three weeks, so they had two more to get this one out.

It was not the easiest thing to get a paper out, especially with this group of kids.

Race was crazy, and so were most of the other Newsies, and they sometimes drove Jack insane.

Jack sometimes wondered why he chose Race as his second, as Jack was the leader. Race usually made Jack question his choice, but he chose Race for a good reason.

He chose Race since he knew Race would be a good leader, and care for everyone when Jack had to leave school, among other reasons.

Jack is snapped out of thought by none other than Race, who smacked his arm.

Jack glares at him, and Race points to the door. Jack notices the worry on Race's face.

At the door are Oscar and Morris, the two biggest bullies in the school. They hate the Newsies and always come tease, bully, or make fun of them.

Jack stands up, Race behind him. Mr. Denton isn't in the class, where did he go?

Jack notices Crutchie and Davey standing up. They haven't seen Oscar and Morris yet.

Race and Jack get up, Jack sees Oscar go to push Davey, and Morris go to push Crutchie.

Race runs and grabs Crutchie before he hits the ground, and Jack grabs Davey by the wrist, and pulls him to his chest.

Oscar and Morris scowl, annoyed that their trick didn't work. They turn on the heel of their shoes and stomp away, probably to their rich friends.

Race helps Crutchie stand again, and Crutchie thanks Race, who nods. Meanwhile, Davey looks shocked.

Jack looks down, and Davey's arm has a black hand mark that wasn't there before. Jack's arm has a black hand mark where Davey grabbed Jack to stabilize himself.

Davey looks at Jack, startled, and their eyes meet. Neither of them says anything, they just continue to stare at each other in shock.

Davey pulls away, almost falling over when he tries to get away from Jack.

Jack just continues to look at him shocked.

The rest of the Newsies are silent, they haven't found any of their soulmates other than Specs and Romeo who shared an eye color, and Finch and Tommy boy who had strings. They were just as shocked as Davey and Jack.

"Dave?" Jack whispers, looking at Davey, who won't meet his eyes.

Davey stays still, like he's frozen in thought. He turns very red. "Thanks for c-catching me. I h-have to g-go."

"Davey wait!" Jack calls, but Davey was already out of the room by then.

Davey successfully managed to avoid Jack, and the other Newsies for the rest of the day. He didn't sit with them at lunch, and didn't talk to them in class. He didn't share any classes with Jack today, which was good.

He hid in classrooms, and blended into the crowd of kids whenever he saw a Newsie, not wanting to talk about what had happened earlier today.

Jack was crushed when Davey left. He didn't see Davey for the rest of the day, Davey hadn't even sat with them at Lunch.

Jack didn't know what to do. He had just met his soulmate, and his soulmate ran away. Why did Davey run away?

Jack's mind was running crazy, his head was spinning. Was it his fault? Did Jack do something wrong? Was Davey scared of him?

Crutchie, who lives with Jack as his foster brother, knew something was going on with Jack. He could tell something was off, and probably knew it was about Davey.

Crutchie and Jack live together as foster brothers. Their foster mother, Medda Larkin, ran the musical theater department and choir, and show-choir at their school, and performed and ran her own theater.

"Hey Jacky, what's up? You've seemed a little off today" Crutchie asks, sitting down next to Jack on his bed.

Jack looks at Crutchie and sees the worry on Crutchie's face.

"Is it my fault? Did I do something? Why did Davey run away?" Jack asks. Crutchie finally realizes why Jack had been off today.

"No Jack, it's not your fault. Davey was probably just scared, he's only been here for two days and he just met us. You know how shy he is" Crutchie explains. Jack nods, Davey was extremely shy.

"It's just, I met my soulmate, and he ran away from me" Jack sighs, feeling/looking defeated, something Crutchie barely ever saw from him.

Medda comes walking in at that exact moment. "That's why I contacted his parents. He's coming over tomorrow night, so even if you don't see him in class, you'll see him tomorrow."

Crutchie and Jack look at Medda in shock, partially because her timing was great and because she basically fixed the problem.

"You're welcome" Medda states, a mix of a smirk and a motherly smile on her face.

"Thanks Miss Medda" Jack responds, smiling at her.

"Jack, keep in mind. He might be new to love, go slowly with him" Medda winks at him before exiting the room, the same way she entered.

"I'm beginning to think Miss Medda is more magical by the second" Crutchie admits. Jack laughs, causing Crutchie laughs with him.

"Everything will be okay" Crutchie promises, holding Jack's hand, in a brotherly way.

"Thanks Crutch" Jack smiles. Crutchie smiles back. What will tomorrow bring?

1094 Words

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