Chapter 37 - Blink

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Apparently people are Blush starved, so enjoy this chapter that I'm posting.
Third Person POV

"Mushy!" Blink exclaims, walking into the room where his boyfriend stood making hot chocolates.

He wraps his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders, as his boyfriend grins up at him. Blink kisses Mush's forehead.

"Hey Blinky" Mush greets, stirring the hot chocolate.

"I loved that you moved in with me. I was so lonely, and now I get to see my beautiful soulmate more than just at school" Blink states. Mush blushes a little bit, Blink called me 'beautiful.'

"We didn't know we were soulmates back then" Mush reminds Blink, who rolls his eyes.

"Ruining the moment there, beautiful" Blink responds. Mush turns away from him, pretending he isn't blushing.

Blink notices this. "Aww, you're trying to play off the fact that you're blushing because I called you 'beautiful'."

Mush shakes his head, still turning away from Blink, as he started blushing more.

Blink snakes his arms around Mush's waist, pulling Mush close to him. "We both know you are beautiful. You don't have to hide your blush from me, it's cute."

"You're killing me here, Blink" Mush whispers, puffing out his cheeks to stop himself from blushing more.

"Don't die Mushy! I can't live without you!" Blink exclaims, dramatically falling to the floor, holding Mush's hand in his own.

Mush looks at him, holding back a laugh. "Such a romantic."

Blink stops pretending to be dying. He looks up at Mush, and winks. "You know it."

Mush laughs, as Blink gets up, smiling. He liked making Mush laugh, since Mush has a beautiful laugh. It's just so happy, and makes everyone smile.

"Hey, do you know what I got you for Christmas?" Mush asks Blink, handing him a hot chocolate mug.

"No," Blink takes a sip of his hot chocolate, Mush makes the best hot chocolate. "You gonna tell me now?"

"Nope!" Mush giggles, grinning at Blink as he puts his hot chocolate mug to his lips to take a sip.

Blink puts his mug down on the table, and pouts at Mush, making puppy eyes.

Mush puts his mug down as well, as Blink continues to pout and make puppy eyes at him.

"He knows my weaknesses! I need Jack's help!" Mush exclaims, jumping up and running to grab his phone.

Blink laughs, jumping up and running after his boyfriend.

Mush runs into the kitchen, swerving around the table, Blink on his tail.

Mush grabs his phone, as Blink grabs him. Blink throws Mush over his shoulder, bringing him into the living room as Mush giggles.

Blink drops Mush on the couch, and starts tickling him.

Mush squeals, laughing as he tries to get out of Blink's grip. Blink just chuckles.

After a few minutes, Blink stops tickling Mush. "You gonna tell me now?"

Mush smirks at him. "I'll never."

Before Blink can say anything else, Mush presses 'FaceTime Jack' on his phone. "Hi Jack!"

"Gosh darn it, Mush" Blink jokingly grumbles, as Mush giggles.

Blink stands behind the couch, as Mush puts them both in camera view.

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