Chapter 11 - Davey

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Warning: Abuse
Third Person POV

Davey felt super bad that he couldn't help look for Race, but his mother had texted him to come home, as his grandparents were gonna be there soon.

Davey was dreading it, he was also hoping that he didn't show any signs of nervousness in front of the group, since you can't hide anything from those boys, but he was grateful that they cared.

When he got home, he changed into "fancier" clothes, and helped Sarah get ready, while they waited for their grandparents.

The reason he was with Sarah, was that both of them were super nervous.

Sarah had found her soulmate already, it was a girl in her, Jack, and Spot's grade named Katherine. The Newsies also knew Katherine already, somehow.

Sarah and Katherine had gotten each other's first words on their arms, which were, "I'm so sorry! I'm new and those boys were being rude to me! I didn't mean to bump into you!" from Sarah, and "Nah, it's alright cutie" from Katherine.

Davey and Sarah found out that Katherine was the Principal Pulitzer's daughter, which was hard to believe, since she was nothing like her father.

"David! Sarah! Les! Grandma and Grandpa are here!" Their mother calls from downstairs.

Davey and Sarah look at each other, fear in both of their eyes.

They both got up, and went downstairs together, fake smiles on their faces.

Sarah sat next to Davey at the table, who was in the middle of Sarah and Les.

"Good evening, Grandma, Grandpa" Sarah and Davey greet at the same time, failing to hide giggles when they realized what happened. It happens with twins.

Their grandmother rolls her eyes at their poor attempts to hide their giggles and childish antics.

"Good evening to you both as well" Their grandfather greets, his face unreadable, which made the twins nervous.

"Have you found your soulmates yet?" Their grandmother asks. Jeez, cut straight to the point would ya? Davey looks at Sarah, nervously.

"N-Not yet, g-grandma" Davey answers, looking down at his plate.

"Be a man, stop stuttering" His grandfather tells him, sternly.

"Sorry" Davey mutters, not looking up to meet his grandfather's eyes.

"David. Why are you lying to your grandparents?" His mother asks him. Sarah and Davey look at her, eyes wide.

"You're what?" His grandfather questions, getting angry.

"David and Sarah have both found their soulmates" Their father informs their grandparents.

"What are their names?" Their grandmother asks, folding her hands, and leaning her chin on them.

"J-Jack" Davey answers, whispering.

"Katherine" Sarah whispers, looking down.

"I bet your soulmate is beautiful David, and yours is handsome Sarah" Their grandfather states, calming down.

"Um... mine's a boy" David tells his grandfather, causing his grandparents' eyes widen.

"And... mine's a girl" Sarah corrects.

Immediately after seeing their grandparents' reactions, the twins knew they should've kept to themselves, but they also knew that their parents would've corrected their grandparents if they hadn't.

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