Chapter 17 - Katherine/Race

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Third Person POV

Katherine starts explaining what happened from her point of view, from when they found out that they are soulmates.

"I had been walking with one of my friends to Lunch, when someone ran into me" Katherine starts, looking at Sarah.

"She collapsed in my arms, and I looked down at her. She was really cute," Sarah slaps Katherine's arm. "She looked up at me, terrified, and said,"

"I'm so sorry! I'm new and those boys were being rude to me! I didn't mean to bump into you!" Sarah re-enacts, as the boys laugh.

"I looked behind her and saw Oscar and Morris glaring at me. I immediately knew she meant them, so I looked down at her and said," Katherine continues.

"Nah, it's alright cutie" Sarah re-enacts, acting like Katherine, who laughs.

"Big flirt" Jack laughs, shoving Katherine, playfully.

"Sarah turned really red, and I helped her stand up. Then, her flustered look turned into a shocked look, and she started freaking out" Katherine continues, looking at Sarah.

"Oh my god! I just ran into my soulmate, and fell into her arms! But wait, my soulmate is cute. No! Sarah! You just made the worst first impression!" Sarah exclaims, re-enacting what she said.

"I think she meant to say that inside her head," Katherine laughs, "but she showed me her arm, and I showed her mine, and then I kissed her."

"She kissed me out of nowhere" Sarah huffs, as Katherine laughs.

"She almost passed out, and she turned really red, really fast" Katherine adds, ruffling Sarah's hair.

"Every time I hear this story, it gets even more cute!" Davey exclaims, causing everyone to look at him. Sarah laughs.

"You've heard this story, Dave?" Albert asks, and he nods.

"She's my twin for goodness sake. We've been best friends since birth, besides, you don't hide secrets from your twin. When we both found our soulmates, we told each other first" Davey explains.

"Wait, if you're twins, how are you not in the same grade?" Mush asks, a mix between curiosity and confusion clear in his voice.

"And who's older?" Elmer continues, scratching the side of his head in confusion.

"And why didn't you tell us?" Jack adds, looking at them, confused.

"Firstly, Sarah skipped a grade" Davey explains. Sarah nods.

"Secondly, I'm older" Sarah answers, smirking at Davey, who rolls his eyes back.

"And lastly, it never came up. We didn't try to hide it" Davey answers Jack, who nods.

"More twins!" Mike and Ike exclaim, high-fiving the Jacobs twins.

"Well, we're not only both dating a Jacobs Sibling, we're both dating a Jacobs Twin" Katherine laughs, and Jack laughs with her.

"Jack, can I talk to you?" Race asks. The group quiets down. Jack nods, helping Race up. They both walk out of the room.

The boys had noticed that Race had stayed quiet. Something was wrong. Spot could tell that Race was about to break, so he wasn't surprised when he said he needed to talk to Jack.

After they exit the room, Race breaks. "I can't do this! I c-can't!"

Jack's eyes widen in shock.

"Can't what?" Jack questions, trying to calm the crying boy.

Race shrinks back against the door, sliding to the floor. "S-Spot. The b-boys! Y-You're all gonna l-leave me!"

"Race!" Jack exclaims, sliding down next to him. "We would never leave you for anything. Trust me, or at least try. You did it once, you can do it again."

"But I didn't. I didn't tell you anything. I pushed you away, trying not to get attached, but I did" Race mumbles, smacking his head against the wall.

"Then don't push us away. We won't ever leave you" Jack assures the younger boy, stopping him from hurting himself.

"My f-father said-" Race starts, but is cut off by Jack.

"Your father is a liar. Your father is a jerk. He's wrong. He wants you to think that so he can have power over you" Jack tells Race, who looks at Jack.

Jack looks into Race's big, bright blue eyes and sees the Race that he knew. Not the scared, traumatized Race, the goofy, good at Poker Race. All Jack needed to do was let him know that he's safe and that they're there for him, through thick and thin.

"He does have power over me" Race responds. Jack shakes his head.

"Not anymore. Wanna know why?" Jack asks. Race wipes a few tears off of his face.

"Why?" Race whispers, looking at Jack.

"Because you are stronger now, and you have us to back you up. We aren't leaving. Face it, you can't push yourself away from us. We aren't gonna let you get hurt anymore" Jack responds, smiling. He wipes a few more tears off of Race's face.

"I don't want to get hurt again" Race admits, still whispering.

"We're the best people for that. No one here is gonna hurt you. I promise" Jack assures Race, hooking his pinky with Race's.

"Where will I go though? You can't have me stay here forever" Race asks, looking at the floor again.

Jack smirks. "Ha! That's where you're wrong!" Jack exclaims. Race looks at him. "Medda would be happy to have you stay here, and so would Crutchie and I, and we have enough room."

"You promise you're not all gonna leave and hate me?" Race asks. Jack shakes his head.

"I promise Race" Jack promises. Jack pulls Race close to him, into a hug.

Race snuggles against Jack, leaning against Jack's chest, as Jack puts his chin on Race's head.

"I don't want to go back in there" Race admits. Jack sighs.

"Racer, buddy-" Jack starts.

"Please. I can't face them" Race cuts him off, his eyes basically pleading with Jack.

"At least face Spot? He's really worried and crushed, and I know what it's like to have your soulmate run from you when you figure it out" Jack tells Race, who bites his lip to stop him from crying again.

"I'm sorry" Race mumbles, over and over again.

"Don't be sorry. Just let him in" Jack responds, wiping a few tears off of Race's face. Race nods.

"You go get him?" Race asks. Jack nods.

He hugs Race again, then goes back into the room, leaving Race standing in the hallway.

Everyone looks at Jack when he walks into the room, and everyone goes silent. "Hey Spot, Race wants you."

Jack watches Spot's eyes fill with hope.

Spot gets up, as Jack tells the other boys what happened, and sits down with Davey.

Spot leaves the room, finding Race in the hallway, crying. When Race sees Spot, he runs and hugs him, Spot's arms around him as Race falls into Spot's arms, and Spot smiles, hugging him back.

The two boys sit down on the floor, Race in Spot's arms, and Spot's chin on Race's head. Neither one says anything, they just enjoy each other's company in silence.

1200 Words
This chapter I posted for the very lovely bep_bop comments on my last chapter. I live for comments like those, they made me laugh. Now, Race and Spot finally, find peace.

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