Chapter 13 - Elmer

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Warning: Bullying, Stress
(Two things I deal with tons lol)
Third Person POV

Elmer and his siblings were about halfway to Eden, Ethan, and Eddie's school, when Elmer ran into someone.

"Elmer?" Someone calls from behind him, sounding confused.

Elmer turns around, he had been trying to guide his three siblings to the school, so he hadn't been facing forward. He had more so been walking backwards.

"Albert?" Elmer questions. He hadn't expected to see Albert, or anyone for that matter.

"Hey El, who are they?" Albert asks him, motioning to Elijah, Eleanor, and Ezra.

"These are my siblings, Eleanor, or Ella, Ezra, and Elijah, or Eli. Guys, this is Albert" Elmer introduces, and his three siblings wave, as does Albert.

"You never told us you have siblings, never mind three" Albert states. Before Elmer can answer, Elijah slaps his arm.

"How could you not tell your friends about your best and favorite helper?!" He exclaims. Elmer laughs a little.

"I know. How could I be so forgetful? I'm sorry Eli" Elmer apologizes. Elijah smiles, hugging him, then going back to holding Ezra's hand.

"Seriously though, you never told us this" Albert continues. Elmer sighs.

"Sorry Al, it's just been hard. I've been busy. These aren't even all of them, we're actually heading to three of the other ones' school right now" Elmer explains, ranting a tiny bit. Albert's eyes widen.

"How many siblings do you have?" Albert asks, still watching Ezra, Elijah, and Eleanor. He could see the resemblance between the Kasprzak siblings.

"I'm the oldest of 8 kids" Elmer answers. Albert's eyes widen even wider.

"Why didn't you tell us? Where are your parents? We could've helped El" Albert exclaims, not believing what he's hearing.

"I'm sorry! My parents are dead, and it's hard to deal with this." Elmer exclaims, finally breaking. He steps back in shock, realizing what he just admitted. "Sorry Al, we have to go."

"No El. Let me help" Albert tells him, grabbing his hand.

The two boys feel a strange feeling and see that their strings are connected. We're soulmates.

"I have to go" Elmer panics, grabbing his siblings hands and rushing away.

"By nice guy!" Elijah calls, as Elmer drags him away.

Albert just stands there in shock, now he knew how Jack felt when Davey ran away from him after finding out they were soulmates.

Albert didn't know what to do, so he called Jack, who happened to be with Crutchie, Race, and Davey.

With Elmer

Elmer rushed his siblings away from Albert, stunned at what just happened. Albert DaSilva, his best friend, and crush for goodness sake, was his soulmate? No way.

He shook off the shock as he neared the building where Ethan, Eden, and Eddie go to school.

They walked in the school building, and a woman, who Elmer knew as Mrs. Watson, was standing there waiting for them.

"Elmer? Elmer Kasprzak? Is that you?" She asks, a smile making it's way to her face.

"Mrs. Watson, how nice it is to see you" Elmer greets, shaking her hand. She smiles at him, nodding.

"Who are these guys?" She asks, turning to Elijah, Eden, and Ezra.

"Hi Ma'am! I'm Elijah, but my siblings call me Eli. I'm Elmer's favorite and best helper!" Elijah jumps up, introducing himself, and sticking out his hand.

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