Chapter 44 - Henry

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Warnings: Freezing
Third Person POV(ov)

"This wasn't a great idea..." Buttons trails off, pulling his coat closer to him. "It wasn't even close." He whispers.

Henry bites his lip, looking around.

Snowflakes decorated his eyelashes, along with his clothes, and everything else.

It was freezing, and snow was falling faster and faster with each passing second.

Even though it was freezing and snow was coming down at a really fast pace, Henry would admit that Buttons still looked like an Angel, decorated in the snow.

Buttons always looked like an Angel to him.

Speaking of Buttons, he pulled Henry out of his thoughts and admiring Buttons, as he put his hood over his hat.

"We should head back home..." Buttons mumbles, rubbing his hands together to generate any sort of warmth he could get.

"We can't." Henry states, causing Buttons to look at him like he's crazy. "We're closer to the Lodge than home, if we try to go back home, we'll freeze. Our best bet is going to the Lodge now."

Buttons nods, looking ahead.

It was snowing so hard that he couldn't see more than five feet in front of him.

"Doesn't this categorize as Blizzard conditions?" Buttons questions, his voice slowly getting quieter.

Henry didn't know the honest answer to that question, but he was almost positive that it was a yes.

"I'm sorry." Henry forces out. He was shivering a lot. "We should've never tried to come out here."

"It's f-fine." Buttons was shivering more than him. "We didn't- know. It was not- not just your idea."

Henry pulls his boyfriend closer to himself, wrapping his coat around both of them, even though Buttons also had a coat.

Buttons was less used to cold and less okay in cold weather, he did much better in hot weather, whereas Henry did better in cold weather.

Henry was like Race in a way; he could go outside in thirty degree weather with only a shortsleeved shirt on and leggings and be fine.

Race could go to fifteen degrees (A/N, me.), but someone would usually force him to put on a coat when it was below freezing.

Buttons put on snow clothes in sixty degree weather, just like Elmer and Boots.

Buttons clung to his soulmate, refusing to let go.

It was partially because he was frozen to Henry, but also because he was scared and freezing.

Buttons found it getting harder to keep walking the colder he got.

It was like his feet were weights on him, getting harder and harder to move the more he tried to.

He was freezing, and this time he wasn't just being dramatic.

"I'm so sorry, Benjamin." Henry whispers, watching his breath in the cold air. "We should've checked the weather. We should've never came out here. I'm sorry."

"It's-" Buttons' voice sounded like a breath. He couldn't get words out. "F-Fine."

Henry wraps his arms around his boyfriend. "Come on, B. We need to keep moving. It's the only way we'll stay warm, alive, and make it to the Lodge."

Buttons didn't respond, he just focused on trying to get his legs moving again.

Henry pulled out his phone, but it was basically an ice cube at this point. It wasn't even turning on.

Henry mentally curses, looking ahead of them. The one time I actually need my phone for an emergency and it froze.

Henry looked at Buttons, who's eyes kept fluttering closed before he eventually forced them back open.

It was taking him longer and longer to force them open again.

That couldn't be good.

Henry took Buttons' hands in his own, trying to warm them up with his coat.

Buttons' eyes fluttered close again.

"B, I need you to stay awake. Please," Henry was basically pleading with him now. "Please, keep your eyes open for me, Benjamin."

Buttons forced his eyes open again, looking half curiously, half completely out of it at Henry's hands holding his and trying to warm them up.

"How- h-how are is- the L-Lodge?" Buttons questions, trying to look ahead in the direction of where he knew the Lodge was.

Henry looks ahead of them, recognizing the street even though it was covered in snow and only getting more covered.

"Five minutes, B." Henry answers, turning back to face his boyfriend. "Please stay awake and with me for five more minutes while we try to get to the Lodge. When we get there, you can sleep, I promise."

Buttons weakly nods. Five minutes, Buttons. Just stay awake for five minutes.

As they continued to try to walk to the Lodge, Henry felt himself getting weaker and slower.

"Come on, Henry." Buttons whispers, pulling Henry's frozen arm over his shoulder. "We're almost there. Please don't give out on me because then neither of us are making it."

Henry forces himself to nod, picking his feet up, one at a time, and placing them down so that he kept moving.

He found it getting harder to think and process things the colder he got.


It was all he could think about.

His feet were cold, his hands were cold, he was shivering, Buttons was freezing, his ears were cold, his nose was cold.

Henry felt someone smack him across the face.

"Ow." He mumbles, holding his cheek.

Buttons stared at him, wide-eyed. "I'm sorry! You were falling asleep and I didn't know what else to do!"

Henry chuckles a bit, though it came out more like a breath. "It's fine, B. Let's just keep moving."

Buttons nods slowly, like it was hurting him to nod.

"Though next time," Henry whispers, rubbing his hands together. "Just kiss me."

Even in the freezing cold, Buttons turned bright red.

Henry laughs.

Buttons smiles a bit, grateful for the tiny bit of warmth it brought him.

They trudged along, until they finally saw the Lodge door.

Buttons didn't make it up the stairs, he collapsed.

Henry was pulled to the ground with him, being so frozen that he couldn't hold himself up.

Buttons eyes were closed, frozen shut.

Henry tried to shake him awake, but he couldn't move him much.

Henry looked around, panicking. What do I do? What do I do? What do I-

A snowball on the ground caught his eye, giving him an idea.

He gathered a ball of snow, aiming for the door.

He hit the door twice, before finally hitting the doorbell on the third throw.

Henry's world faded to black after that.

1086 Words

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