Chapter 30 - Crutchie

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Race and Crutchie fluff/angst. It's a little of both. Plus, a little with Jack.
Third Person POV

Crutchie was sitting on his bed, just reading a book, when Race knocked on the door.

They shared a room, but when Race needed Crutchie's attention he would always knock. He just thought it was nicer.

Crutchie puts his book down, smiling at Race, who looked nervous. Crutchie also noticed that Race's eyes were glossy, like he was about to cry or he had just cried.

Crutchie makes a motion for Race to sit next to him on his bed, and Race nods, going over to Crutchie and sitting down next to him.

"What's up Racer?" Crutchie questions. Race sighs, looking into Crutchie's eyes.

"I needed someone to talk to. I keep getting flashbacks, and I'm in so much pain. How did you deal with coming out of a abusive home?" Race quietly asks, as if not to make Crutchie sad.

So that's what this is about. Crutchie thinks to himself. He makes a motion for Race to lean against him, and Race does. He plays with Race's hair for a few minutes, trying to think of how to respond.

Crutchie was a year and a half older than Race. He was 16, while Race was 15.

Crutchie has been in an abusive home till he was 9 years old.

His parents hated him for his bum leg, and they would abuse it. It's not like he could choose to have a bum leg.

Crutchie didn't mind his leg. Sure it hurt at times, and made life a little difficult, but as Jack always said (since Jack had helped him bring up his self worth) his leg made him 'unique'.

Jack and Medda played a big role in helping Crutchie trust again and getting over his past.

As for Race, he had been in an abusive home for a good bit longer than Crutchie had.

Crutchie looks over at his brother. He could see Race trying not to try. He knew Race hated crying, and asking for help, though Crutchie was a tad bit grateful that Race trusted him.

"Well, first you confront the person who hurt you, which you've already done. It took me forever to get over it since I didn't confront my parents for the longest time." Crutchie explains. Race nods, sorrowfully. He felt bad for asking, and Crutchie knew it. "Don't feel bad for asking Racer, I'll always be here for you. We all will."

Race laughs a bit to himself.
"Are you as magical as Miss Medda or what?"

Crutchie and Race both laugh, as Crutchie responds.
"Not magical, Miss Medda is though. I just happen to know you pretty well."

"Probably true" Race states, causing him and Crutchie to laugh again.

"It is hard to get the physical pain will eventually go away." Crutchie tells Race, who nods again. "I don't know what exactly you went through there Racer, none of us do, only you. I can only tell you that you're not going back, especially now that your father is in jail."

Race nodded. They both stayed silent for a few minutes.

"Thanks Crutchie. That means a lot to me, even just to know that you're here for me" Race tells Crutchie, who smiles at him.

"I'll always be here for you Racer. Now come here and give me a hug" Crutchie responds. Race grins.

Race leans over and hugs Crutchie, who hugs back. They stay like that, hugging each other, for a few minutes, before pulling away.

"I should go get some work done. I'll leave you to reading" Race decides. Crutchie nods, watching Race leave the room.

Crutchie sits there, thinking for a minute.

A few days before, he had found Race in the bathroom, mid panic attack and throwing up.


Crutchie heard sobbing coming from the bathroom that he and Race shared, so he slowly opened the door.

He found Race, next to the bathtub, throwing up. He looked to be hyperventilating and he was crying.

"Race!" Crutchie exclaims, bobbling over to his brother. Race looks up at Crutchie, as he had just snapped Race out of a flashback, thankfully.

Crutchie hugs Race, as Race continues crying. He was shaking.

"What happened?!" Jack exclaims, running in the room with Medda. They're eyes widen in shock when they see the two boys.

"I- I tried t-to eat. I did, b-but I had a flash- flashback. My f-father" Race tries to explain, but he couldn't. He hiccups a few times, still sobbing.

Jack takes Race into his arms, as he and Medda try to figure out what to do. Crutchie continues to hug Race, trying to comfort him.

End of flashback

Crutchie's heart broke just thinking about it. He hated seeing his brothers hurt, and he had known Race longer than most of the boys, minus Jack.

When he found Race in there, it immediately reminded him of when this happened before.

Crutchie just wanted peace for his friends, even if it meant he couldn't get peace. He would do anything for them.

Crutchie sighs, going back to his book. He didn't even her three words in before Race's face from a few nights before, when Crutchie had found him, flashed through his mind.

Crutchie's heart broke more.

Crutchie puts his bookmark in his book, gets up, and leaves the room.

He makes it to the kitchen, where Race and Jack are. Jack was helping Race with his Math homework.

Crutchie smiles a bit to himself, going over to the two boys, and hugging them. The two boys laugh.

"Hey Crutchie" Jack chuckles. Crutchie smiles.

"Hey Jacky, Racer" Crutchie greets, pulling away from them.

"Wanna sit with us? We're gonna finish up and then play a board game. We only have three questions left" Race tells Crutchie, who nods.

Crutchie pulls a seat out, and sits down next to Race, so that Race is in the middle of him and Jack. He places his crutch against the chair beside him.

He smiles as he watches Jack go over one of the problems with Race. I love these boys.

1050 Words
I promised I get this out today since I didn't do it yesterday. Sorry it's so late.
- Sweets/Bree (or even Stage)

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