Chapter 56 - Epilogue

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Warnings: Few mentions of hospitals and such
Just as a side note (but don't assume anything, though you'd probably be right with the assumptions), thank you to the amazing Addie_your_Queen and PRIDE1028CACTUS for help with names. (And kinda skitts_kiel )
Third Person POV

Race holds the phone up, filming himself. "It's day five of being in the hospital." He informs the camera. "I hate it."

Spot chuckles, walking into the room. "What are you doing?" He asks.

"Filming." Race answers. "Jack likes to document stuff." He explains with a small smile.

Spot smiles amusedly at the memory.

Spot chuckles again, sitting down in the chair beside Race's hospital bed. "I know Jack likes to document stuff, but I don't think he wants hospital memories." He responds.

Race looks at him, about to respond, before something caught his eye. "Hot chocolate!" His blue eyes light up.

"Oooh!" A little voice exclaims. "Hot chocolate!"

Spot chuckles. "It's August." He points out. "Much too hot to have hot chocolate."

Race smacks his chest gently. "It's never too hot to have hot chocolate." He responds.

Spot chuckles, handing him his hot chocolate.

Race holds up the phone again. "My day has gotten better because Spotty got me hot chocolate." He grins, taking a sip.

Spot rolls his eyes. "I hate that name." He mutters, sipping his coffee.

Race giggles to himself.

Giggles fill the living room.

Race smiles at his husband, sipping the tea in his mug.

Spot just rolls his eyes again, an amused smile on his face.

"Everyone except the Kasprzaks have visited me." Race informs the camera. "The poor Kasprzaks are all sick." He explains.

"Albert texted me." Spot informs his boyfriend.

"Oh?" The younger boy looks over at him, curious.

"Texted me multiple pictures." Spot pulls out his phone. "And informed me that Eddie, Ethan, Ezra, and Eleanor are on their way to getting better." He informs Race.

Race takes the phone from him, propping his phone up against the window so it could still see him and Spot, who sat next to him.

Race scrolls through the pictures, smiling.

He hands the phone back to Spot. "That's really cute." He comments.

Spot smiles. "The boys, and girls who are awake, in Al's apartment are challenging everyone else to a selfie competition." He informs Race.

"Then, we obviously have to take a hospital selfie." Race responds with a cheeky smile.

Spot chuckles, shaking his head.

"Selfie!" A little blonde haired boy exclaims, jumping up.

Race chuckles, handing him the phone.

He takes a picture of him and his two siblings, grinning.

Spot opens his camera, making sure he got Race and him in it.

He just smiles, his eyes looking at Race in the camera.

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