Chapter 34 - Elmer (El's Siblings, Part 2)

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Third Person POV

Elmer walks around, looking around at his friends and siblings. It made him happy.

"Did we not say 'no dangerous weapons around the kids'?" Elmer questions, motioning to Finch, Smalls, and Sniper who had slingshots out. They were showing Ethan how to use one.

"Come on El, he's in 7th grade! I got mine when I was five! He'll be okay!" Finch exclaims. Elmer shakes his head, before he sees Ethan pouting at him.

"Please El? I'll be careful, I promise!" Ethan begs his brother, who gives in.

"Fine, be careful" Elmer agrees. Ethan cheers, hugging his brother.

Smalls stands behind Ethan, guiding him on how to use the slingshot, as Finch and Sniper watch, also giving helpful tips. Ethan was using Smalls' slingshot.

Race was still playing with Ezra, and they had gotten Tommy boy to join. They were currently playing with Race's hair.

With them, you usually heard;

"Boop! I got your nose."

*Ezra's giggles*

"We're gonna make Race very pretty."

"We're doing your hair very nicely, right Ezra?" *more giggles from Ezra*

"Ouch, pulling my hair."

Crutchie had the pink crown on his head, and Eleanor had the blue crown on. Davey, who they had gotten to play, was the knight, and Jack, who they had also gotten to play, was the super villain.

Jack would occasionally pick up Emmalyn, and run around with her until Davey 'saved' her from Jack, who she called the 'tickle monster' for the sole purpose that he tickled her.

Then, Jack would sometimes pick Crutchie up, to Crutchie's annoyance, and Eleanor and Davey would go save him, with Eleanor usually on Davey's back.

With them, you usually heard;

"Oh no, prince Crutchie! I'll save you!"

"Ahh! The evil tickle monster is coming for me!"

"I got you, Princess Eleanor!"


Blink, Mush, Romeo, and Henry were dancing with Eden, who really liked Musicals.

Currently, they were teaching her the moves and harmonies to 'King of New York' which was a song Race created.

"So, you go like this," Henry starts, showing her Race's solo. "And then you sing 'suddenly, I'm respectable, staring right at cha'. Lousy, with stacha'."

Eden copies what he did, and sings the part. Henry high-fives her. "Nice job!"

"I kinda wish I had my tap shoes right now" Eden mumbles. The boys laugh.

"Don't we all?" Mush states. The group laughs again, as they move on.

"Who wants to sing Albert's part for now?" Romeo questions. Blink raises his hand.

"Get me a stick and I'll do it" Blink states. The group laughs again, as Mush grabs him a stick. Blink kisses Mush, before taking the stick from him.

Buttons, Boots, and Ike were playing a game of basketball with Eddie. It was Boots and Eddie against Buttons and Ike for the teams.

They were laughing a lot, mainly because Boots and Eddie had a similar sense of humor and kept making jokes together.

Plus, Buttons accidentally kept getting hit by the ball. Wrong place, wrong time.

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