Chapter 33 - Albert (El's Siblings, Part 1)

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Third Person POV

Albert was the first to wake up the next morning.

He kissed his sleeping boyfriend's forehead, before getting up and going into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, he started making toast when he heard two voices in the doorway.

He turns around, greeted by Ethan and Emmalyn, one of which looks tired out of his mind, while the other has a tone of energy.
"Morning guys."

"Morning!" Emmalyn exclaims, while Ethan mumbles a "morning" in sync. Albert chuckles, clearly, one of them is a morning person and one is not.

The two Kasprzak siblings sit down at the table, while Albert finishes toast for them.

He puts down four plates, one for Elmer, who was still asleep, one for Emmalyn, one for Ethan, and one for himself.

Emmalyn and Ethan giggle with each other. Albert jokingly rolls his eyes.
"I'm a broke high school student, don't judge."

"We aren't judging, this is better than the cereal we eat most mornings" Ethan responds. Albert nods.

They hear footsteps, and look to the doorway. There stands Elmer, rubbing his eyes. He was wearing Albert's sweatpants, no shirt, and his hair was in his eyes.

"Nice outfit El" Emmalyn jokes. He looks down, and rolls his eyes, going to sit next to Albert.

"I think you lot hot El" Albert tells him, kissing his forehead. Elmer blushes, as his siblings snicker together.

"Ew! I'm surrounded by mostly boys!" Emmalyn exclaims. The three boys laugh.

"You'd like Smalls" Elmer states. Albert nods, chuckling.

"They're gonna meet the Newsies today" Albert informs Elmer, who nods, taking a bite of his toast.

"Really?! I've wanted to meet them! Elmer tells us so much about them!" Ethan exclaims, causing Albert and Elmer to chuckle.

"What does he tell you?" Albert questions, smirking at Elmer.

Elmer blushes, throwing his siblings 'don't you dare' looks, but they both smirk, and Elmer knew they weren't gonna listen to him.

"Smalls, Finch, Sniper, and most of the Brooklyn boys have cool slingshots" Ethan starts, listing things.

"Elmer would never cross Spot because Spot could kill him in a second" Emmalyn continues. Elmer blushes, as Albert laughs.

"Crutchie has a really warm smile that brights up everyone's day" Ethan adds. Albert smiles, it was true. Crutchie and Elmer both had one.

"Jack is like a really great older brother to all of the Newsies, and Crutchie can be very much like an older brother. Most of the Newsies can."

"Smalls is evil. He loves her like she's his sister, but she's evil." Albert laughs at that one.

"Romeo and Specs relationship is adorable, because Romeo used to flirt with anything that moves, and now he only likes to flirt with Specs."

"A good amount of the boys have really nice singing voices, like Race's is really pretty, and Tommy boy's is too. Plus, Jack's is really soothing."

"And Albert is really hot. His red hair and freckles make Elmer feel like he could melt into a puddle of happiness, and his-" Emmalyn gets cut off by Elmer.

"Okay, I think that's enough 'let's use this chance to embarrass our older brother and spill all of his secrets about what he thinks of his friends' time for today" Elmer states. The younger Kasprzak siblings laugh.

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