Chapter 16 - Sarah

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Third Person POV

All of the boys, and Katherine, were sitting on the floor, waiting for the Jacobs siblings.

Jack and Katherine were sitting next to the window, looking outside of it, keeping watch for the two, when they saw a car park near their lawn.

They saw two figures get out of the car.

"The Jacobs siblings are here!" Jack announces. The other boys cheer.

"They're just hugging their little brother" Katherine informs the boys. Most of them nod.

"They have a little brother?" Romeo questions, looking a little confused.

"Yeah, Les" Specs informs his boyfriend, who nods, remembering meeting Les.

The boys hear knocks on the door, and the door opening and closing.

Then they hear Medda greet the siblings, and tell them where the boys were, and them walking upstairs.

They open the door and are greeted with loudness and craziness, but that's not unusual.

"There they are!"

"The life of the party!"

"Welcome, Jacobs Siblings!"

"Is it gonna be this crazy all night? We have school tomorrow" Davey asks, reminding everyone.

"You have no idea" Albert answers, causing Davey and Sarah look at each other with fear in their eyes.

The rest of the group laughs.

"Come sit with us!" Jack calls, motioning for the two to go sit with him and Katherine.

The two siblings make their way over to their soulmates, and set their stuff down.

Then, the group starts deciding on a game that they should play.

"How about monopoly?" Tommy boy suggests, pointing to it in the game cabinet.

"No! We banned that!" Jack answers. Tommy boy huffs, rolling his eyes as he crosses his arms.
(A/N, I accidentally typed 'rolling his arms as he crossed his eyes'. Turns out singing, typing, and trying to help my brother with spelling is not something I can do all at once lol.)

"Uno?" Blink suggests. JoJo's eyes light up at the mention.

"No, takes forever when you add JoJo, Race, Albert, and Jack into the mix" Finch tells him. He nods.

JoJo pouts, I wanted to play though. Mike rubs his back, smiling softly.

"Life?" Romeo suggests, smirking a bit. The boys in the group, minus Davey, deadpan at him.

"No. You just want to play that so you can create your dream life with Specs" Mike exclaims. Romeo shrugs.

"True, but who wouldn't when you have this amazing person as your soulmate?" Romeo asks, hugging his boyfriend, who turns really red.

"Truth or dare?" Spot suggests. All of the boys stop arguing, and look at him.


"Let's do that."

"Good idea."

"What do you say, Sarah? Davey?" Katherine asks them, noticing their quietness.

"Um... I don't know" Sarah shrugs, turning to Davey for help.

"We've never been to a sleepover or played Truth or Dare" Davey admits. All of the boys, plus Katherine, look at them like they're crazy.

"Seriously?!" Mush exclaims. The twins shrug.

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