Chapter 10 - Albert

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Warning: Abuse, and Suicidal Thoughts
Third Person POV

Albert was worried, like everyone in the group.

Race had run away and they couldn't find him. He had gotten too much of a head start. For someone who is injured, he's a pretty fast runner.

Race had left the group chat, didn't contact them all day Saturday or Sunday, and didn't come to school on Monday.

Everyone was even more worried. They just wanted to help him, but Race didn't know that.

Albert was trying to figure out where Race got the idea that he was worthless and they all hated him, especially that Spot hated him. Spot is his soulmate for goodness sake!

Albert was sitting with most of the boys, besides Davey, who had to do something, that he looked super nervous for, but he told them to not worry about him and try to find Race.

Suddenly, an idea hit Albert like a baseball hit his head. "I know the one place we haven't looked!"

Everyone in the room eagerly looked up at him. "Where?"

"Sheepshead Races" Albert tells them, and they all nod in realization, before they all start mentally kicking themselves for forgetting that.

"Why wasn't that the first place we checked? He loves that place!" JoJo exclaims, a little annoyed at himself for not figuring that out sooner.

"Spot, Albert, JoJo, and I will go, everyone else stay here and get medical supplies ready. Goodness knows he's probably injured more than before" Jack sighs, getting more concerned the more time Race is alone.

He had a sinking feeling Race wasn't okay.

The four boys head out to the Races, still mentally scolding themselves for not figuring it out before. They knew Race loved the Race's, that's where he got his Newsie Name!

When they got to the Race's, they looked around for a while. Race wasn't inside or outside of the Race's.

They continued looking for a while, and just when they were about to give up, Albert found him.

"Guys! Over here!" He calls to the others, concern flooding his voice.

"Where?" Spot questions. Albert comes out of the alleyway, motioning for them to follow him.

Race was in the alley beside the Race's, beaten, bruised, and covered in blood and burns, more than before.

There were gasps from the other three boys, and Jack and Albert bent down to try to figure out if he was awake.

Jack checked his pulse, and listened to his breathing. It was at an even rhythm, so he was sleeping, but there were some other scattered breaths that show the pain he was in.

"We need to get him back to my house now" Jack urgently tells the group, who nods.

Jack picks up Race, again worried about how little he weighs. The four boys run back to Crutchie and Jack's house, glad to have Race again, but worried about him.

When they got back, they were greeted with the Newsies asking if they found him, and gasps when they saw Race.

Specs, Mush, and Crutchie helped Jack and Spot clean Race up, while everyone else waited.

When they were done, they put Race on Jack's bunk, with Jack again.

After a few minutes of the Newsies trying to figure out what had happened to Race, and why they kept finding him like this, Race began to stir.

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